Period: May 11, 1300 to May 12, 1499
graduation hats
These hats became popular in the 14th and 15th centuries and were only worn by artists, humanists, students, and all those learned. They usually came in the color red signifying blood and life, hence, power more than life and [death.https://www.youniversitytv.com/college-tips/history-origin-graduates-wearing-caps-gowns/] -
[https://www.education.ne.gov/nebooks/ebooks/Education_in_the_1800s.pdf they] they used chalkboards to write on instead of paper -
pencil sharpeners
[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pencil_sharpener] pencil sharpeners were used to sharpen pencils. -
[http://www.schoolfurnishings.com/history-of-the-desk-2/] desk were used to do homework/assignments on. -
dunce cap
[https://www.education.ne.gov/nebooks/ebooks/Education_in_the_1800s.pdf] the dunce cap was a punishment. -
[https://www.education.ne.gov/nebooks/ebooks/Education_in_the_1800s.pdf] in the 1800s they used a woodstove mainly to heat up the one classroom. -
kick the can
[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kick_the_can] they plaed kick the can when the kids got to play after school.