Free and Reduced Lunch Program
This program provides students the opportunity to receive a free or reduced lunch for low income families.
This program is very beneficial to the low income families because parents know that their children are getting the proper nutrition at school. It can easily be abused by families who do not necessarily need this program. -
Special Milk program
Provides children with the opportunity to purchase low priced milk.
This is a wonderful program because milk is vital to a child's health, so this benefits low income families to help their children grow healthy bones. -
Child and Adult Care Food Program
This program provides low income families and people with food in private facilities like daycares, jobs, and other institutions.
Benefits families who can't provide for themselves, so they are still given meals to fill their stomachs no matter where they are. -
Summer Lunch Program
Ensures that low income children are still receiving a healthy and nutritious lunch even when they aren't in school. -
Breakfast Program
Provides students in need with a free or reduced priced nutritional breakfast.
This is a very beneficial program for families who can't provide a nutritional breakfast to their children. Since breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and gives children a good start to the day. -
Department of Defense of Fresh Fruits and Vegetable Program
This program delivers nutritious and healthy fruits and vegetables to school. This provides school kids with nutritious meals.
This program is amazing because it is ensuring a students lunch will be healthy and filling.