School Nutrition Program

By Adasjah
  • The Milk Program

    The Milk Program
    Provided needy children with a low price pint of whole milk
  • Free & Reduced Lunch Program

    Free & Reduced Lunch Program
    Provides students with a lunch for free or at a reduced price based on family income.
  • Child and Adult Care Food Program

    Child and Adult Care Food Program
    Provides healthy meals and snacks to adults and children in public and private non-profit facilities.
  • Breakfast Program

    Breakfast Program
    Provides students with a healthy breakfast at a free or reduced price based on family income.
  • Let's Move Program

    Let's Move Program
    It focuses on providing healthier foods in schools, ensuring that every family has access to healthy, affordable food, and helping kids become more physically active.
  • Hunger Free Kids Act

    Hunger Free Kids Act
    President Obama reauthorized the Hunger-Free Kids Act. This act provides more funding for school lunch programs. It also supports more fresh fruits and vegetables in the cafeteria. It also raises nutritional standards in child care facilities.