Period: to
Technology Committee
Create an Arnold Elementary Technology Committee of teachers and other stakeholders. Committee will meet monthly to help develop goals and create plans to meet those goals. Image Source -
Professional Development
Share education technology articles monthly and create a discussion board for staff to share reflections and ideas. Schedule PLC time for Technology Committee to share new ideas or strategies with staff. Utilize eTUSD, Google Docs and Google Forms regularly with staff in order to lead by example.Take 5 minutes at the start of every staff meeting to share new ideas, such as TimeToast.
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Video Surveillance
District installation of video surveillance throughout campus (thanks to the passage of Bond Measures T/U) will allow for increased mobility of our technology and flexibility in our digital curriculum. Image Source -
Digital Citizenship
Make Digital Citizenship a part of our PBIS curriculum that we embedd in our daily curriculum, rather than simply addressing it once a year. This will take some planning and development in coordination with the Technology Committee. Image Source -
Chromebooks at 1:2
Increase the number of Chromebooks on campus to a 1:2 ratio so that one cart can be shared between 2 classrooms. The video surveillance project will help facilitate this design, so that carts can be kept in classrooms overnight. Having Chromebooks more accessible to teachers will allow for more frequent use. Image Source -
Classroom Re-Design
Begin by piloting one 21st Century Classroom in each grade level with the goal of having every classroom student-centered by 2015. Image Source