6 Years Old
6 year olds will begin to learn what privacy, feelings, independence and preferences are while going through their emotional development. As they go through physical development they are able to swim well and ride a two wheeled bike without training wheels. In the intellectual/cognitive development phase, they start to learn was concepts are, as well as reading and simple math. -
7 Years Old
7 year olds start to change in every developmental way. Their physical development changes, they start to become more organized in coordination and are able to kick a ball, climb and do many activities related to that. For emotional development, they show that they can make strong bonds with others and learn rules and concepts. Cognitive/intellectual development occurs with 7 year olds by being able to speak fluently without stuttering. They should also be able to name common objects. -
8 Years Old
Physical growth for an 8 year old would be: losing baby teeth and getting permanent ones in their place, as well as having longer arms and legs than the rest of their body. Intellectual/cognitive development include: knowing how to count by 2's, what day of the week it is and knowing how to read simple sentences. Lastly emotional/social development include: enjoying being around their friends, rapid change of emotion and are impatient. -
9 Years Old
9 year olds physical development include: losing teeth and start to show a growth pattern. Their cognitive/intellectual development consists of: knowing how to read longer sentences and understanding them, thinking independently and can accomplish complex tasks on their own. Emotional/social development include: they can recognize inappropriate behavior, have gained strong empathy but have stable emotions. -
10 Years Old
Physical development for 10 year olds at this time should still be on a growth pattern, girls will usually be a bit heavier and taller than boys. Signs of early puberty in girls may appear as well. Cognitive/intellectual may include: they should know the complete date (day, month, year), are reading books with chapters and have learned how to write cursive. Emotional and Social development include: enjoying being around their friends, likes to listen to parents and contribute to group activities -
11 Years Old
Physical Development for 11 year olds include: they'll most likely will go through a growth spirt and grow a few inches, in girls hormones will be very prominent. Cognitive/intellectual development will include: they apply skills they have learned over their lifetime and will have more reasoning behind their claims. Emotional/social include: they will start to take responsibility for themselves and won't forget to do everyday tasks. -
12 Years Old
Physical Development starts to show itself very prominently for 12 year olds. Some examples include: their bodies are going through puberty and their bodies are growing and changing. Cognitive/intellectual include: they have learned how to make their own decisions and take on extra responsibilities. Emotional/social include: they will be able to have patience and a greater understanding on how to deal with a variety of emotions.