6 Years Old
Physical: Vision is as sharp as an adult's vision
Emotional: Show more independence from parents and family
Intellectual: Show rapid development of mental skills
Cognitive milestone/characteristic: Can tell time -
7 Years Old
Physical: May lose first tooth
Emotional: Likes to play alone, but friends are becoming important
Intellectual: Can repeat three numbers backwards
Cognitive milestone/characteristic: Can read age-appropriate books and/or materials -
8 Years Old
Physical: More graceful with movements and abilities
Emotional: Starts to mix friends and play with children of the opposite gender
Intellectual: Reads more and enjoys reading
Cognitive milestone/characteristic: Understands concept of space -
9 Years Old
Physical: More graceful with movements and abilities
Emotional: Becoming interested in boy-girl relationships, but does not admit it
Intellectual: Understands fractions
Cognitive milestone/characteristic: Can name months and days of week, in order -
10 Years Old
Physical: Remainder of adult teeth will develop
Emotional: Experience more peer pressure.
Intellectual: Face more academic challenges at school.
Cognitive milestone/characteristic: Begin to see the point of view of others more clearly. -
11 Years Old
Physical: Remainder of adult teeth will develop
Emotional: Remainder of adult teeth will develop
Intellectual: Writes stories
Cognitive milestone/characteristic: Enjoys using the telephone -
12 Years Old
Physical: Remainder of adult teeth will develop
Emotional: Increased interest in the opposite gender
Intellectual: Become more independent from the family.
Cognitive milestone/characteristic: Face more academic challenges at school.