6 Years Old
PHYSICAL: At age 6, I enjoyed running, jumping, and skipping outside. I developed a stronger hand-eye coordination so I was better able to kick a ball into a goal or throw a ball at a target. I learned how to follow rules of a game or sport, so sports often become more meaningful. I also began to lose some baby teeth and grew taller than i was on my last birthday. EMOTIONAL: I loved to show off talents and improved self-control skills. I Showed improved ability to maintain emotional stability. -
6 Years Old
COGNITIVE: I participated in simple group activities or board games. I was finally able to tell time. Also, i was able to identify complex shapes, such as a diamond. I learned the difference between imaginary and real, so i began doing more "real" things such as photography. SOCIAL: I began to pay more attention to friendship and teamwork. I wanted to be liked and accepted by peer groups. I became more independent from my family. -
7 Years Old
PHYSICAL: I Rode a two-wheeled bicycle. I would perform movements that are done while standing in place such as twisting, turning, and spinning. I also showed improved skill at performing simple chores, such as making my bed or sweeping the floors. EMOTIONAL: I began to be able to describe the causes and consequences of my emotions. I could manage my emotions better. I
began to use self-calming strategies, such as repeating phrases or taking deep breaths, when feeling distressed. -
7 Years Old
SOCIAL: I began to share knowledge with others. I was able to understand others’ actions and feelings. I treated peers with respect when playing games together. COGNITIVE: I was able to name the characters, setting, problem and solution in books or shows. I solved word problems in math. I used increasingly complex and creative strategies to solve problems. -
8 Years Old
PHYSICAL: I was able to turn, spin and jump, and perform tasks that helped me in sports. My coordination continued to improve.
My small muscles control continues to be refined, making activities such as playing musical instruments or using tools much easier and enjoyable. EMOTIONAL: I began to desire more privacy. Seeked direct physical contact from my parents when under stress. Became more balanced in coping with frustration, failure, and disappointment. -
8 Years Old
SOCIAL: I began to understand how someone else feels in a given situation and was capable of placing myself in another person’s shoes. I learned to be generous, supportive, and kind. I also wanted to use strict rules to be "fair", which caused problems in group play. COGNITIVE: I was able to focus on a task for an hour or more. I understood more about my place in the world. Had a greater capacity to do mental math, as well as work with abstract and larger numbers. -
9 Years Old
PHYSICAL: At this age I began to experience early signs of puberty. I got significantly taller and gained some weight. I was able to persist in physical activity to reach a goal, such as when playing a game or completing a physical fitness challenge. EMOTIONAL: I insisted on having everything my own way but i was able to listen to reasons. I sometimes acted unreasonable or rude when things didn’t go as planned, but I was able to recognize my behavior and apologized. -
9 Years Old
SOCIAL: I learned how to communicate needs and wants in socially appropriate ways. I worked cooperatively toward shared goals. I was also good at recognizing the views of other people. COGNITIVE: Increased attention span but my interests would change rapidly. I learned that there is a middle ground—things aren’t all right or all wrong. I created interests in collections and hobbies. -
10 Years Old
PHYSICAL: Demonstrated improved agility, speed, coordination, and balance. I began to show signs of puberty such as oily skin, increased sweating and hair growth in the genital area and under the arms. I also experienced an increase in small muscle coordination. EMOTIONAL: I would admire and imitate older youth. I began to question authority. I also began to accept and believe in my parents belief. -
10 Years Old
SOCIAL: I enjoyed creating secret codes and passwords with my friends. I hung out with individuals of the same gender and
preferred to work in groups and enjoys cooperative activities. COGNITIVE: Learned to use good judgment. I showed interest in sports teams and pop culture. I also had an increased attention span and often spent long periods of time working on activities I enjoyed. -
11 Years Old
PHYSICAL: Showed improved handwriting and an improved ability to use a variety of tools. I had a growth spurt and accompanying growth pains and cramps; the need to both sleep and eat more. EMOTIONAL: Developed better decision-making skills. I began to question authority figures. Started to resist physical affection from parents. -
11 Years Old
SOCIAL: I formed strong and complex friendships. Showed more interest in friends and less interest in family. Explored identity through hair, clothing, hobbies, and friends. COGNITIVE:Understood that thoughts are private. Experienced a greater sense of responsibility. -
12 Years Old
PHYSICAL: Began to show signs of puberty, including menstruation. Became increasingly skilled in sports. Went through a growth spurt. EMOTIONAL: I began to get independence from parents, but often wanted adult approval. Began to question family values and develop personal moral. -
12 Years Old
SOCIAL: Showed concerns about being liked and accepted.
I was interested in activities with friends. I was able to understand other people’s points of view. COGNITIVE: Increasingly able to understand and apply logic to situations and problems.
Became aware of the concepts of justice and equality. I started to understand cause-and-effect sequences.