school age children

  • 9 year olds

  • 10 year olds

    physical- will grow at least 2.5 inches
    emotional- they finding a harder time getting through school
    cognitive- they are starting to think they are growing up
  • 11 year olds

    physical- spurts could start to happen\
  • 6 year olds

    6 year olds
    physical- the child will grow 2.5 inches
    emotional- child will become aware of other emotions
    cognitive- Can count up to 10 objects at one time
  • 7 year olds

    physical- the child will grow up to 2.5 inches
    emotional- children may worry and have low self confidence
    cognitive- develop a longer attention spam
  • 8 year olds

    physical- will grow up to 2.5 inches
    emotional- Most are able to mask their true thoughts or emotions to spare someone’s feelings.