School Age

  • 6 year old

    6 year old
    Physical Development: (girls) breast development and formation of underarm and pubic hair; (boys) formation of underarm, pubic, and chest hair along with the development of the testicles and penis
    Emotional Development: increased body awareness
    Intellectual Development: may show a how rapid development of mental skills
    Cognitive Development: can tell the difference between left and right hands & can tell time
  • 8 year old

    8 year old
    Physical Development: may lose first tooth
    Emotional Development: understands more about his or her place in the world
    Intellectual Development: has less focus on themselves and show more concern for others instead
    Cognitive Development: can explain the use of household object
  • 9 year old

    9 year old
    Physical Development: Coordination varies
    Emotional Development: more emotionally important to have friends/ the building of more stronger friendships
    Intellectual Development: face more academic challenges at school
    Cognitive Development: enjoys drawing and painting
  • 10 year old

    10 year old
    Physical Development: rest of adult teeth will develop
    Emotional Development: will experience more peer pressure
    Intellectual Development: have longer attention span
    Cognitive Development: likes to write letters
  • 7 year old

    7 year old
    Physical Development: smooth/strong motor skills
    Emotional Development: develops a sense of wanting to be liked and accepted by peers
    Intellectual Development: better at conveying thoughts and feelings and describing experiences
    Cognitive Development: can read age appropriate books
  • 11 year old

    11 year old
    Physical Development: likes to sew and paint
    Emotional Development: becomes more aware of his or her body as puberty approaches
    Intellectual Development: becomes more independent from family
    Cognitive Development: writes stories
  • 12 year old

    12 year old
    Physical Development: participating in constructive activities such as sports, clubs, and arts
    Emotional Development: negative body image and eating problems can sometimes develop
    Intellectual Development: Begin to see the point of view of others more clearly
    Cognitive Development: enjoys using the telephone