NBC's Press Upfront 2015
The morning of May 11, NBC will meet with the press to make all major annoucments about the network. Executives, stars, and show creators will unviel to the public the direction the network is taking with the fall television season. The line-up will also be revealed. This event will take place in New York City. -
FOX's Press Upront 2015
After NBC's event, FOX's network executives will have a similar meeting with the media that afternoon. They will reveal future shows, new season directions, cancellations, and other network specials for the next year. This event will also be held in New York City. -
ABC's Press Upfront 2015
In the afternoon in New York City, ABC will hold their annual upfront event. This is perhaps the most signifigant of the programs because ABC has not made any major annoucments regarding renewals and cancellations. This will be revealed at this event to the press and company exeuctives, show runners and stars, and producers will be there to address the public. -
CBS's Press Upfront 2015
To round out the network upfronts in May, CBS will have their event the following day. Executives are supposed to be making a big announcment about the network's reality shows, Survivor and The Amazing Race. After this event, held in the afternoon also in New York City, fans will have all the answers they are looking for regarding television this fall. Like the other networks, CBS is also likely to reveal their fall primetime line up.