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Rome, Saxon and Vikings Britain Timeline events

  • 55 BCE

    Julius Caesar arrives

    Julius Caesar arrives
    Julius Caesar become the pioneer in Roman but afterwards drop out
  • 50 BCE

    Established of London

    Established of London
    The beginning of London
  • 43

    Romans and Britain blended

    Romans and Britain blended
    Romans raid additionally Britain turn into the part of the Roman Empire
  • 61

    Boadica fought with Romans

    Boadica fought with Romans
    Boadicea heads the Iceni in revolt opposed to the Romans
  • 70

    The symbol of Wales and the North

    The symbol of Wales and the North
    Romans subjugate welsh flag Wales and the North
  • 76

    Born of The Emperor Hadrain

    Born of The Emperor Hadrain
    The Emperor Hadrian is inborn
  • 80

    The Colosseum of Rome generated

    The Colosseum of Rome generated
    The Colosseum of Rome built
  • Period: 122 to 128

    A wall of Scotland

    Emperor Hadrian builds a wall on the Scottish Border
  • 140

    Triumph of Romans

    Triumph of Romans
    Romans keep the Scottish out.
  • 209

    The first Christian martyr

    The first Christian martyr
    St. Alban became the 1st Christian martyr
  • 306

    The Great announced

    The Great announced
    Constantine the Great announced Emperor at York
  • 350

    Attack the border of Roman Empire

    Attack the border of Roman Empire
    The Picts and Scots raid the border
  • Period: 401 to 410

    The Anglo Saxons arrive

    The Romans lose from Britain , then Anglo Saxons immigrants start to establish
  • 450

    Saxons Hengist and Horsa combine

    Saxons Hengist and Horsa combine
    Saxons Hengist and Horsa joined together to settle in Kent.
  • Period: 450 to Dec 25, 750

    The Anglo Saxons invaded

    Invasion of the Jutes from Jutland, Angles from South of Denmark and Saxons from Germany.
    Britain is segregate into the Seven Kingdoms of Northumbria ; Mercia, Wessex, Essex, Sussex and Kent.
  • 460

    St Patrick backs to Ireland

    St Patrick backs to Ireland
    St Patrick comes back to convert Ireland
  • 597

    Christianity arrive

    Christianity arrive
    St Augustine leads Christianity to Britain from Rome . Next it renders to Archbishop of Canterbury
  • Dec 24, 617

    The Supreme Empire

    The Supreme Empire
    Northumbria develops into the Supreme Realm
  • Dec 24, 779

    Mercia developed

    Mercia developed
    Mercia turns into the Supreme Kingdom. Moreover, King Offa builds a Dyke along the Welsh Border
  • Dec 24, 793

    The Vikings invades

    The Vikings invades
    Early violation by the Vikings
  • Period: Dec 24, 866 to Dec 25, 877

    The raid of Danish Viking

    Invasion of the Great Danish (Viking) Army.
  • Dec 24, 867

    Northumbria took over by the Vilkings

    Northumbria took over by the Vilkings
    The Vikings control Northumbria
  • Dec 24, 871

    The triumphs of the Vikings

    The triumphs of the Vikings
    King Alfred defeats the Vikings , however he allows them to settle in Eastern England
  • Dec 24, 886

    The rules of the Vikings

    The rules of the Vikings
    The North dominated to the Danelaw, the rules of the Vikings
  • Dec 24, 889

    The Chronicle of Anglo Saxon

    The Chronicle of Anglo Saxon
    The Anglo Saxon Chronicle begins
  • Dec 24, 926

    The Saxons conquer the Eastern England

    The Saxons conquer the Eastern England
    Eastern England is vanquished by the Saxons
  • Dec 24, 978

    Wessex becomes more advance

    Wessex becomes more advance
    Wessex grows into the Supreme Realm
  • Dec 24, 1016

    King C'nut has lots of power

    King C'nut has lots of power
    King C' nut of Denmark took over the English Crown
  • Dec 24, 1042

    The King : Edward

    The King : Edward
    Edward alters to the King