The Catapult
*** Disclaimer: The timeline would not allow me to insert this into its proper place (400BCE) so I placed it at 400CE.*** The catapult, first appearing in 400 BCE, revolutionized warfare. The catapult introduces for the first time the concept of long range warfare. By allowing soldiers to shoot projectiles across long distances it provided a safe and effective way to conduct an assault on an enemy. Long range warfare remains a popular and dominant theme in warfare to this day. -
Jan 1, 1440
Gutenberg Printing Press
The printing press, invented by Johannes Gutenberg, revolutionized the spread of information and increased literacy among the common people. Before this invention the production of written material was time consuming and expensive. The printing press gave literary access to individuals of any social status. -
Period: to
The Enlightenment
The enlightenment was a period in European history where traditional values and beliefs were questioned. The enlightenment put an emphasis on logic and reason to improve humanity and turned the focus away from traditional religious values that had dominated. The enlightenment not only served as a hotbed for ideas and discoveries, but also stopped the abuses of the church and state. The enlightenment also set the stage for the American and French revolutions. -
Darwin`s Theory of Evolution
Charles Darwin`s Theory of Evolution, found in his book “On the Origin of Species,” resulted in one of the largest, if not the largest, revolutions in thought in history. By presenting the theory that all species of life have descended from common ancestors, Darwin contradicted traditional belief. His studies not only resulted in tremendous scientific breakthroughs, but also significantly hindered the relationship between science and religion. -
The Assembly Line
The assembly line, perfected by Henry Ford, revolutionized the lives of the American people and was quickly adopted by others worldwide. The efficiency of the assembly line ushered in a new “consumer” society in the U.S. that replaced the old “producer” society. With this change came the urbanization of America and the introduction of leisure time. As Americans became more urban and materialistic they began to abandon traditional values that had been applicable in the “producer” society. -
The Atomic Bomb
The atomic bombs used by the U.S against Japan in WWII remain the only atomic bombs ever used in warfare. However, the effects of the bombs existence extends beyond their use in the war. While the immediate result of the bomb is evident, the surrender of the Japanese, the lasting effect is more complex. The atomic bomb significantly heightened tensions between the U.S. and the USSR. The bomb not only caused a massive arms race between super powers, but its existence effects all major military de