Savannah's holocaust

  • treaty of versailles

    1.lose land
    2. lose military back money to winners
  • beer hall putsch

    blaming the Jews with racial and culture differences
  • Period: to


    people voted for leaders to represent them
  • anne frank is born

    anne frank is born
    June 12, 1929
  • first concentration camps set up mostly for political prisoners

    early on the camps were for imprisonment and hard labor, not for killing died of hunger
    work camp
  • Period: to


    the holocaust was a war between the Jewish people and Hitler and his army
  • Hitler becomes Chancellor of Germany

  • Enabling Act of march

    Enabling Act of march
    -basically gives power of decision making to Hitler
  • nuremberg laws

    how hitler knew they were jews
  • appeasement

    German army moves into Austria and Germany annexes Czechoslovakia
  • Kristallnacht

    Germany torched synagogues, vandalized Jewish homes,
  • ghettos established

    moved people into the camps
  • euthanasia program begins

    euthanasia system l]killing of thoose german whom the nazis deemed unworthy of life because of mental illness or physical disability
    enventully 80,000 people with disability will be killed
  • germany invades poland

    contains 3 million jews
  • wannsee conference

    plan to exterminate the jews
  • warsaw ghetto uprising

    residents smuggled meaponsin
    uprising laasted for about a mounth
    ss troops arrested and deported reidents after the uprising ended
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    Treblinka, sobibor, Birkenau.

    prisoners fought back at death camps
  • birkenua

    suicide mission
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    death march

    allies advancing toward death camps
    Nazis evacuate prisoners march them into Germany to avoid capture
    brutal treatment and harsh condition along the way
  • pic for holocaust

    pic for holocaust
  • Liberation of Concentration camps