Top 10 satellites in space

  • Introduction

    Welcome to my timeline. I am really excited to tell you all about my topic for today. It is all about satellites. You'll be learning about their launch dates and lots of interesting facts. As I said before, I really am looking forward to you viewing my timeline. I hope you enjoy it. Let's get started with the first satellite I am showing you today, the Sputnik 1.
  • Sputnik 1

    Sputnik 1
    Sputnik 1 launched in space on October 4, 1957. This incredible satellite weighed 184 lbs and was a total of 23 inches wide. It is the reason NASA exists.
  • Sputnik 2

    Sputnik 2
    Sputnik 2 launched on November 3, 1957. It was a big satellite, weighing approximately 1000 pounds! It also launched Laika, the first animal in space, officially into earth's orbit.
  • Explorer 1

    Explorer 1
    Explorer 1 launched on January 31, 1958. It was twice the size of a basketball. Explorer 1’s space instruments transmitted scientific data for 105 days.
  • Vanguard 1

    Vanguard 1
    Vanguard 1 launched in March 17, 1958. It was designed to test the launch capabilities of a 3 stage launch vehicle and the effects of the space environment on a satellite. They decreased Vanguard 1’s expected lifetime from 2000 to 240 because they found new discoveries about space.
  • Luna 1

    Luna 1
    Luna 1 was launched on January 2, 1959. It was the first spacecraft to reach the moon, which it did by using chemical batteries as electrical power.
  • Alouette 1

    Alouette 1
    Alouette 1 launched on September 29, 1962. The entire satellite took three and a half years to build. It weighed 145 kilograms in total.
  • Mir

    Mir launched on February 20, 1986. It served as a versatile space habitat for 14 years, and stayed in orbit for 15 years, which was three times longer than its expected time in space!
  • Kosmos 2251

    Kosmos 2251
    Kosmos 2251 launched on June 16, 1993, but collided with Iridium 33 800 kilometers above Syria on February 10, 2009. This heavy satellite weighed a total of 1 980 pounds!
  • Iridium 33

    Iridium 33
    Iridium 33 launched on September 14, 1997. It weighed 1 518 pounds, which is very heavy! It crashed with Kosmos 2251 on February 10, 2009, which I’ve already explained.
    This satellite was also used to activate Iridium Communications.
  • Terra

    Terra was launched on December 18, 1999. It was approximately the size of a small school bus, equipped with 5 instruments that take measures on the earth's system.
  • Conclusion

    Thank you for viewing my timeline. I hope you enjoyed it. Hopefully you learned about all the satellites I showed you today, and, again, thanks for reading. Bye!