Sarinelli Giver Vocab

  • Serenely

    Peacefully and calmly. No harm. The police Serenely talk to the man thinking maybe he rob the store
  • Avert

    Turn away. Reject. Ava averted when dan showed a picture of a half eaten shark.
  • Sheepish

    To be shy
    Non Talkative
    Warren was very sheepish when meeting her new co-workers
  • Indolence

    Laziness. Dont care. As Gavin's Indolence effected his HW completion. His grade went down.
  • Hasty

    Hurried. Quick. Kevin hastily ran back to the goal to save the soccer ball.
  • Requisitioned

    To demand or take. take away. I requisitioned kevin to get the toy from the little boy
  • Unnerving

    Making someone losing courage. Talk them out of something. I was making kevin unnerving about trying out for travel basketball.
  • Conspicuous

    Attracting attention. Clear visible. Kevin was conspicuous around the girls
  • Self-consciously

    showing you're embarrassed. Uncomfortably. Adidas was very self consciously when he forgot deodorant
  • Tentatively

    Uncertainty and hesitantly. not sure. Kevin was tentatively about going to school when he was sick
  • Torrent

    Stream of flow. Moving. There was a torrent water flash floood with the amount of rain
  • Obsolete

    No longer useful. Irrelevant. David was Obsolete since he was a bench starter.
  • Unwieldy

    Difficult to carry. Hard to handle. The baby was moving around so it was hard to unwieldy the baby without dropping it.
  • Wincing

    Shrinking back involuntarily. Pain. The poor dog was Wincing at the footstep of the skyscraper in new york.
  • Fretful

    Uneasy. Distressed. Gavin was fretful after the bus crash.
  • Admonition

    Warning. First time offense. I was admonition people not to steal.
  • Relinquished

    Gave up. To let go. Kevin relinquished when I told mom he would not give me my toy back.