If description says (exact date unknown) then the day and month are unknown, if (exact day unknown) then the day is unknown -
Born in Nadiad, Kheda District, Gujarat, fourth son of Jhaverbhai Patel, a farmer of Karamsad and Ladbai Patel -
Married to Jhaverba of Gana, a village 3 miles from Karamsad. Exact date Unknown -
Passed matriculation exam in Nadiad. Exact Date Unknown -
Shifted legal practice to Borsad, made a name as a criminal lawyer.
Exact Date Unknown -
First Daughter
Daughter Mani (later known as Manibehn) born [day unknown] -
Giving away
Saved enough money to go to England to become a barrister but gave it away to his elder brother Vitthalbhai who wished to become barrister first (exact day unknown) -
Son Dahya born (exact day unknown) -
Wife Jhaverba dies after a surgical operation in Bombay -
Vallabhbhai leaves for England, admitted to Middle Temple (exact day unknown) -
Took final examination after 6th term instead of the usual 12, ranked first in first class; won a prize of fifty pounds, left for India the day after the exam; (Exact date unknown) -
Vallabhbhai becomes Barrister (Bar-at-Law) of Middle Temple Inn (exact day unknown) -
Returns to India; practices in Ahmedabad; becomes the foremost criminal lawyer -
Father Dies
Jhaverbhai, Vallabhbhai's father, dies at the age of 85 (exact day unknown) -
Elected councilor of Ahmedabad Municipality; Chairman, Sanitary and Public Works Committee (exact date unknown) -
First direct contact with Mahatma Gandhi (exact day unknown) -
Famine Relief
Organized famine relief in Ahmedabad district; established a temporary hospital in Ahmedabad with a grant from Municipal Board to Gujarat Sabha to combat severe influenza of epidemic; successfully led "No-Tax" agitation against land revenue recovered by Government from drought affected Kheda district farmers (exact date unknown) -
Elected Chairman, Reception Committee, Indian National Congress, 36th session, Ahmedabad; First Chairman, Gujarat Regional Congress Committee (exact date unknown) -
Satyagraha at Borsad, Gujarat - Against the Governments, "Haidiya" punitive tax imposed on the entire population of Borsad Taluka. Gandhi calls Vallabhbhai "King of Borsad" from 1922-23 (exact dates unknown) -
Elected President of Ahmedabad Municipality (exact day unknown) -
Leads the Bardoli No-Tax Campaign Satyagraha in Kheda District; Vallabhbhai called "Sardar" by the peasants. Calcutta session of the Indian National Congress endorses the title. from 1928-29 (exact dates unknown) -
Arrested for canvassing Gandhi's salt Satyagraha; Lodged in Sabarmati jail, Ahmedabad. Went on hunger strike in jail requesting C class diet instead of A class provided to him because of his high status. Request granted! -
Released from jail -
Rearrested in Bombay and sent to Yeravada jail for 3 months -
Rearrested Again
Rearrested and sentenced to 9 months imprisonment -
Presides over Indian National Congress, 46th session, Karachi. (exact date unknown) -
Joins Gandhi in talks with Viceroy Lord Irwin in Simla (exact day unknown) -
Arrested again!!!!!
Arrested during the Civil Disobedience Movement and jailed in Yeravada Prison along with Mahatma Gandhi; later joined by Mahadev Desai from Nasik jail. Daughter Manibehn and Kasturba Gandhi also jailed but for shorter periods. from Jan 1932 to Jul 1934 (exact days unknown) -
Brother dies
Brother Vitthalbhai dies in a clinic near Geneva while Sardar was in prison -
Released again
Released on grounds of health - serious nose trouble. (exact date unknown) -
Arrested another time
Arrested under Defense of India Act for participation in Satyagraha launched by Gandhiji to press Great Britain for a commitment on India's Independence -
Released Another Time
Released from prison following a severe intestinal ailment
(exact day Unknown) -
Arrested for the last time
Arrested for participation in Quit India Movement; jailed in Ahmednagar Fort along with Nehru, Azad, and other prominent leaders; shifted to Yeravada prison in early 1945
(exact day unknown) -
Released for the last time
Released from prison to participate in Simla Talks -
India gains independence from Great Britain -
Head of Department
Government of India decides to establish a Department of (Princely) States under Sardar Patel -
Sardar joins Independent India's Cabinet as Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Home, States, Information and Broadcasting -
Prime Minister
Served as Acting Prime Minister of India during Nehru's visit to the U.S., UK, and Canada from Oct. 7- Nov. 15,1949 -
Sardar Patel dies in Bombay; cremated in Bombay -
Bharat Ratna
"Bharat Ratna," the highest Indian national award, conferred posthumously on Sardar Patel. The award was accepted by Sardar's grandson, Vipinbhai Patel. (exact date unknown)