Sarah Hewitt Timeline

  • 3000 BCE

    First recorded emergence of trade in the Indian Ocean

    Trade was started by travelers in canoes and rafts moving goods between towns and trading ports along the coast.
  • Period: 2600 BCE to 1900 BCE

    Trade began between Harappa and Mesopotamia

    Trade between the Harappan civilization started importing millet and sorghum from the east African coast, likely also exporting early fabrics.
  • Period: 2300 BCE to 1760 BCE

    Cotton emerged

    India began producing and exporting cotton fabric, which replaced wool in most countries.
  • Period: 600 BCE to 300 BCE

    Buddhism, Hinduism, and Jainism spread

    Buddhism, Hinduism, and Jainism spread through foreign merchants and missionaries traveling along the trade route.
  • Period: 600 BCE to 600

    The Dhow was invented

    The Dhow was used by merchants along the Indian Ocean and Red Sea trade routes, invented some time between 600 BCE and 600 CE, it originated in India
  • 500 BCE

    Greek and Roman sailors enter the Indian Ocean

    Greek and Roman sailors enter the Indian Ocean
    Persian ruler Darius I sent Greek and Roman sailors into the Indian Ocean for trade bringing with them ceramics, glassware, wine, gold, and olive oil
  • 326 BCE

    Nearchus sailed from Indus to the Arabian Gulf

    Alexander the Great sent Nearchus from Indus to the Arabian Gulf
  • 323 BCE

    Ptolemies learns about the monsoon system in the Indian Ocean

    Ptolemies learns about the monsoon system in the Indian Ocean
  • 323 BCE

    Asia, Africa, and the Mediterranean were joined into one network by Sea Lanes.

    Asia, Africa, and the Mediterranean were joined into one network by Sea Lanes.
    Sea Lanes were used to united the regions into one trade network with India trading spices and pepper, Persia and Egypt trading grain, and the Mediterranean traded wine and oil.
  • Period: 206 BCE to 220

    Han Dynasty and the first compass

    During the rule of the Han Dynasty the first magnetic compass was invented
  • 200 BCE

    Astrolabe invented

    The first Astrolabe, which was invented by Hipparchus, is used to determine time as well as positional guidance based on the location of the Sun and stars.
  • 118 BCE

    Eudoxus of Cyzicus

    A Greek explorer and sea navigator was the first sailor who managed a trip between the Arabian and Indian ports. His first trip in 118 BCE was successful, however a second trip in 116 BCE was completed without the assistance of an Indian guide. During his second trip he realized that circumventing Africa was possible.
  • Period: 63 BCE to 14

    Expansion of trade due to Pax Romana

    Peace had come to Rome under ruler Augustus Caesar and during this time trade flourished
  • Period: 75 to 632

    Islam spreads

    Christianity spreads through the Indian Ocean trade route through the help of merchants and missionaries,
  • 78

    The Periplus of the Erythraean Sea

    The Periplus of the Erythraean Sea, a travel and trade guide was written by a first century merchant
  • Period: 100 to 700

    Christianity spreads

    Christianity spreads through the Indian Ocean trade route through the help of merchants and missionaries.
  • Period: 101 to 200

    The Lateen sail is invented

    Some time during the 2nd century CE the Lateen sail was invented, becoming the first sail to function with the wind in both directions.
  • Period: 161 to 180

    The plague of Galen

    Brought to new ports by traveling soldiers and merchants an epidemic cause widespread disease on the Han and Roman empires