Mamf00124 seq 003 p

-515 a 515

  • 515 BCE

    Canonización de la torah por los judíos (M. Sabán)

    tanaj sin ester ni la canción de canciones
  • 92

    Antipas de Pérgamo

    Les pongo en fecha el año de su muerte
  • 108

    Ignacio de Antioquía

    nac. 35.NO ORIGINALS. Three different versions of the collection of Ignatius’ letters have been transmitted in medieval manuscripts: the so-called Short, Middle and Long versions. The Long version contains 13 letters in generally slightly extended form (as compared with the Middle version). The extra letters in the Latin Middle: a narrative of the martyrdom and further letters on... The Short version contains only 3 letters in a still more condensed form, and survives only in Syriac manuscripts.
  • 288

    San Sebastián Mártir