
Samuel and Jamestown

By jd6134
  • Samuel's Mother Dies

    Samuel's mother dies
  • Samuel goes to a poorhouse

  • Samuel escapes from the poorhouse

  • Samuel steals his mother's locket

  • Samuel gets caught by the owner of the shop and his son

  • Samuel is recruited to be a servant on the "Discovery"

  • Samuel boards the "Discovery"

  • Samuel and the crew land on Virgina

  • The colony meets indians

  • The indians bring them food for many days on

  • The indians attack the colony and kill 2 men

  • John Smith and 2 others go off for a search for gold

  • John Smith returns with a couple of natives from Powhatan Tribe

  • Natives make the colony a part of their tribe

  • The Jamestown settlement is burned down

  • The natives bring supplies and blankets to help

  • The settlrment starts to rebuild

  • John Smith is elected as president

  • Women arrive to James Town with 70 new settlers

  • Cheif Powhatan is crowned a prince

  • Reverend Hunt dies

  • Samuel goes to live with the tribe

  • John learns he is having a baby with Ann

  • John's leg gets burned wants to return to England

  • Captain Smith loses his power

  • CaptainSmith, Richard and other men go back

  • Samuel goes to point comfort and steals the baby

  • Sam arrives at point comfort Ann wants him hanged

  • Sam and Ann settle in point comfort with Virginia

  • Lithuainians invade Moscow

  • Robert Hooke discovers cells

  • Isaac Newton publishes his Mathematical book