Sample oGCDP Promotion by Bholanauth Jason-MCVP COMMS Applicant | AIESEC Mauritius
Update Social Websites with Cover and Profile picture
Update of Social Websites design -
Update Social Websites with Cover and Profile picture
Promotional materials will be sent by LCVPs to their respective LCs.
Online promotion starts with Facebook Cover and Profile picture -
Period: to
Promotional materials Launching dates
For October where promotion will be launched online and physical. -
Launch of first Poster - India
Poster will be put on Facebook page and members need to share from there.
This will create traffic both on the facebook page and create more awareness of AIESEC. -
Launch of Second Poster - China
Second poster launched. China -
Thrid Poster Launched - Russia
Third Poster Launched - Russia -
Fourth Poster Launched - Czech Republic