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    The Egyptian papyrus: 3000 BC

    The Egyptian papyrus: 3000 BC
    The Ancient Egyptians gatherd payprus, a form of reed then pressed it intoa hard flat surface, in witch they wrote with ink to write all sorts of things. They made scrolls and books out of the papyrus.
  • Period: 100 to 400

    BC era

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    Bamboo books: from 1500 BC

    Bamboo books: from 1500 BC
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    writing in clays

    writing in clays
    3100 BC, early forms of writing were done on clay, from clay tablets to wall drawings. these were developed in Mesopotamia. they used reeds to carve words in to the wet clay, then hardend.
  • Period: 400 to

    AD era

    Small inovations to the general paper idea were made up until now, where we now have electrical writing surfaces, such as Smart Board.
  • 500

    The discovery of Paper 105 AD

    The discovery of Paper 105 AD
    In china a man by the name of Cai Lun, found a new material, paper. To make this revolutonary matiral, mulberry, laurel and Chinese grass were repeatedly soaked, pounded, washed, boiled, strained and bleached. The mush is left to drain in a mesh frame and then dried. The result is thinner and more flexible than papyrus or parchment, and much more adaptable to methods of large-scale production.
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  • Wax, leaves and wood

    Wax, leaves and wood
    500BC Around the anceint world people carried around renewable note books that were coverd in a wax surface that could be heated up and used again.