Samoan Timeline

  • Black Saturday

    NZ police fired on protestors in Apia and killed 11 people. They were wanting independence as they felt the New Zealanders were ignoring their culture. The people in the photo are approximately at the spot where police tried to arrest Mata`utia
  • Samoan gained back political independence

    In 1962 Western Samoa became the first Pacific nation of its size to gain back its political independence. The monarch Susuga Malietoa Tanumafili II became the cohead of state in 1962 and head of state (O le Ao o le Malo) the following year, a post he held until his death in 2007.
  • Samoa becomes a member of the UN

    Samoa joined the United Nation in 1976. Because they wanted to join as a reliable and committed member/group. They opened the United Nation multi-country office three years after becoming a UN member state and we now have fifteen offices or representatives of the UN system based in Samoa.
  • Samoa changed its name

    On 4 July 1997 the government made a change to change the name of the country from Western Samoa to Samoa, the name it had been called by in the United Nations since it joined. American Samoa protested against the name change. Google
  • Teuila Festival

    Highlights include traditional Siva dancing, fire knife dancing, tattooing and carving demonstrations, Umu demonstrations (underground Samoan oven cooking), the annual Flower Float Parade, the popular Fautasi race (iconic Samoan boat race), and the crowning of Miss Samoa. The Teuila Festival is certainly one of the most inspiring events on the calendar. It falls in the month of September