Salvation Time History

  • 2000 BCE

    Abraham Born

    Abraham Born
    Abraham means “Father of Multitude (of nations)”
  • 1925 BCE

    Abraham & Sarah Arrive in Canaan

    Abraham & Sarah Arrive in Canaan
    They traveled for many years to get the Canaan
  • 1850 BCE

    Israelites settle in Egypt

    Israelites settle in Egypt
    Israel settled because of famine
  • 1836 BCE

    Rebekah gives birth to Esau and Isaac

    Rebekah gives birth to Esau and Isaac
    Esau was first; Jacob holding his heel
  • 1600 BCE

    Sarah Gives Birth to Isaac

    Sarah Gives Birth to Isaac
    Isaac means “laughter
  • 1300 BCE

    Moses leads the Exodus from Egypt

    Moses leads the Exodus from Egypt
    Moses parted the Red Sea to get to the Promise Land God promised
  • 1250 BCE

    Joshua invades Canaan

    God commands joshua to invade and conquer Canaan
  • 1200 BCE

    Judges Lead Israelite into Canaan

    Judges Lead Israelite into Canaan
    Three judges lead israel into Canaan (Samson & Deborah)
  • 1020 BCE

    Saul named the 1st king of Israel

    Saul named the 1st king of Israel
    God changed his name to Paul when he became a disciple.
  • 1000 BCE

    King Davis names Jerusalem as the capital

    King Davis names Jerusalem as the capital
    From its earliest name Ursalim, Jerusalem's name has mirrored the city's conquerors, passing through Jebus to the Roman Aelia Capitolina to al-Quds - and back to the ancient Israelite Yerushalayim.
  • 961 BCE

    King Solomon builds the temple

    King Solomon builds the temple
    The crowning achievement of King Solomon’s reign was the erection of a magnificent temple in Jerusalem, often called Solomon’s temple or the first temple.
  • 922 BCE

    Kingdom divides into Israel and Judah

    Kingdom divides into Israel and Judah
    By contrast, Judea, which according to most estimates never had more than 600,000 people during the First Temple era, controlled not more than a few square miles of hilly, unfertile land. Moreover, for the majority of the time they were a land-locked country without access to the Mediterranean Sea and could not conduct business without incurring debts to the traders that controlled the coast.
  • 786 BCE

    Time of prophet Amos

    Time of prophet Amos
    Amos’ life has been gleaned from his book, which was, in all likelihood, partly or wholly compiled by other hands.
  • 772 BCE

    Assyrians conquer Israel

    Assyrians conquer Israel
    Nearly 20 years later, about 722 BC, the capital city, Samaria, was overtaken by the Assyrians under Shalmaneser V.
  • 587 BCE

    Babylonians conquer Judah

    Babylonians conquer Judah
    During the reign of King Jehoiakim (609—597 BC), “Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon came up, and Jehoiakim became his servant for three years”
  • 538 BCE

    Persians allow Jews to return to Judah

    Persians allow Jews to return to Judah
    Judah was re-established only so Yahweh could be worshipped, and the Jews were sent to Judah for the express purpose of worshiping Yahweh.
  • 332 BCE

    Greeks conquer Holy Land

    Greeks conquer Holy Land
    When the Hasmonean Kingdom was absorbed into the Roman Empire, the area remained under the influence of the Greek language and culture.
  • 166 BCE

    Maccabees revolt against greeks

    Maccabees revolt against greeks
    The history of the revolt was retained only in Greek texts later preserved by Christian authors.) Until 141 BC, however, a Seleucid garrison remained in the citadel (Acra) of Jerusalem, protecting by its very presence those Jews who wished to maintain the Hellenistic way of life.
  • 63 BCE

    Romans conquer holy land

    Romans conquer holy land
    Judea was ruled by a Roman procurator who managed its political, military, and fiscal affairs.
  • 5 BCE

    Jesus is born

    Jesus is born
    Mary and Joseph settled down on the hay in a stable with animals sleeping.