salvation histoy

  • 2000 BCE

    Abraham born

    Abraham was originally called Abram which means “the father is exalted,” but his name was changed to Abraham, which means “father of many,” after he has a child of his own.
  • 1950 BCE

    Sarah gives birth to Isaac

    Sarah gives birth to Isaac at a very old age. Isaac is fulfilling the promise God made to Abraham many years before.
  • 1925 BCE

    Abraham & Sarah arrive in Canaan

    Based on God’s instructions, Abraham traveled to a place called Canaan where the Canaanites lived.
  • 1836 BCE

    Rebekah gives birth to Jacob & Esau

    Isaac prays to the Lord and Rebekah becomes pregnant with twins. Esau (firstborn) is Isaac’s favorite and Jacob is Rebekah’s favorite
  • 1750 BCE

    Israelites settle in Egypt

    Because of the famine and the lack of goods in hebron, the sons of jacob ventured out and traveled to Egypt. They later settled in Goshen.
  • 1290 BCE

    Moses leads the Exodus from Egypt

    Pharoah does not let the Israelites go until the tenth plague-the death of the firstborn son. However, Pharoah changes his mind once they have left. Moses parts the Red Sea as Pharaoh's army pursues them, and the sea swallows up the army.
  • 1250 BCE

    Joshua invades Canaan with the Israelites.

    After 40 years in the desert, Joshua leads the Israelites into
    Canaan, the Promised Land.
  • 1200 BCE

    Judges (Deborah, Samson, etc) lead Israelites in Canaan

    Judges were people who led the Israelites in battle and in their struggle to stay faithful to Yahweh. When the Israelites entered the Promised Land, they had many years of warfare with the people who already inhabited Canaan
  • 1020 BCE

    Saul is named 1st king of Israel.

    Saul who belonged to the tribe of Benjamin did not think he deserved to be king. Saul did not act big and important which is the reason he was chosen for king. Later in his rule saul led the israelites into many victories.
  • 1000 BCE

    King David names Jerusalem as the capital.

    Jerusalem was the capital because of the”isolation” it allowed people to become closer and share the same culture or maybe create new ones. Jerusalem had protective walls and was not near any body of water.
  • 961 BCE

    King Solomon builds the Temple.

    Solomon built the temple in Jerusalem. Solomon rules oppressively and people fall away from the true worship of Yahweh.
  • 922 BCE

    Kingdom divides into Israel and Judah.

    After Solomon’s death, the kingdom splits into two rival kingdoms. The northern kingdom is called Israel and the southern kingdom is called Judah.
  • 783 BCE

    Time of the prophet Amos.

    Amos was one of the twelve minor prophets. He was from the southern kingdom of Judah but preached in the northern kingdom of Israel.
  • 721 BCE

    Assyrians conquered Israel.

    The northern kingdom Israel falls to the Assyrians. The tribes located east of the Jordan River were the first ones conquered by Assyria
  • 587 BCE

    Babylonians conquer Judah.

    Nebuchadnezzar destroyed the temple in Jerusalem and also destroyed the city of Jerusalem. The Jews’ exile in Babylon lasted for 70 years.
  • 538 BCE

    Persians allow Jews to return to Judah.

    About 50 years, after the exile in Babylon, the Persians conquered the Babylonians. The terms Judaism and Jew come from the word Judah and began to be used.
  • 332 BCE

    Greeks conquer Holy Land.

    Persia is defeated by the Greeks led by Alexander the Great. The Greeks are very cruel to the Jews, who rule for almost 300 years.
  • 166 BCE

    Maccabees revolt against Greeks.

    When the Jewish faith was banned to be practiced a priest revolted against the Greeks because they did not agree in worshipping Greek gods.
  • 63 BCE

    Romans conquer Holy Land

    The Romans are also oppressive rulers just like the Greeks. The Jews hope for a messiah from the line of David during this time.
  • 5 BCE

    Jesus is born

    As Mary was about to give birth to Jesus she needed somewhere to stay but only a stable was available. Moments later Jesus was born in a stable with animals, and the wise men showed up bearing gifts. The newborn king was a an instant “threat” to King Herod.