
  • 2490 BCE


    The pyramids were built by Pharaohs Khufu (tallest), Khafre (background), and Menkaure (front). They were built in 2550 to 2490 B.C
  • 1483 BCE


    Fiji was settled over 1,500-1000 years ago. Europeans visited Fiji from the 17th century.Fiji was a Crown colony until 1970, when it gained independence as the Dominion of Fiji.
  • 900 BCE


    The first Polynesian settlers sailed to Tonga between 2,830 and 2,846 years ago and
  • 900 BCE


    The founder of samoa was Dutchman, Jacob Roggeveen in 1772 then in 1830 John Williams arrived in Savai'i
  • 200 BCE

    Society island

    Society island
    Society Islands, French Îles de la Société,(French society islands) archipelago within French Polynesia in the central South Pacific Ocean.
  • 300

    Easter island

    Easter island
  • 400


    The Hawaiian Islands were first settled as early as 400 C.E.Hawaiians lived in small communities ruled by chieftains who battled one another for territory.
  • 521

    Cook islands

    Cook islands
    The Cook Islands were first settled around AD 1000 by French Polynesian They Travelled Across South Pacific in huge ocean- going canoes for years Before They Arrived In The Cook Islands
  • 1280

    New Zealand

    New Zealand
    New Zealand was originally settled between 1200 and 1300 AD and was named by Kupes wife Kuramārōtini
  • 1346

    Black plague

    Black plague
    In the Middle Ages, plague was known as the "Black Death.60% of people from Europe died from the black plague. It started in 1346 and ended in 1353
  • Guy Fawkes

    Guy Fawkes
    Guy Fawkes, also known as Guido Fawkes. He was fighting for the spanish.Guy fawkes started in 1605