Empire started
Safavid Empire starts. Significance: This is the start of the empire which is very important as it must have a start in order to exist. -
Ismail is declared Shah(King)
After conquering all of Persia, Ismail declared himself Shah(king). Ismail had a strong army and prince by prince took every rival force down. He later declared himself Shah or King or the Safavid Empire. Significance: This is important as he was able to take control of a whole country or at least most of it. -
The Shah attacked the Asia Minor which led to a war between the Safavid and Ottoman empire.
Shah Ismail made the mistake of attacking the Asia Minor which angered the Ottoman Empire. The Ottomans won and took land from the Safavid Empire. Significance: This was important because it was a very important war which showed how the Safavid Empire was beaten by the Ottoman Empire. -
A new leader came to power and with a powerful and well-trained army, Shah Abbas took back land from the Ottoman Empire.
After the Ottoman Empire Won the war a new Shah came to power, Shah Abbas. Shah Abbas had an even stronger army and waged war on the Ottoman Empire. His army took back the land that was once the Safavid Empire. Significance: This was an even more important war as it shows how the Safavid Empire became stronger than the Ottoman Empire and reclaimed the land taken during the first war. -
To Celebrate the victory Shah Abbas built a new capital city.
After the victory over the Ottoman Empire, Shah Abbas had a new capital built in Isfahan. The capital and all of its beauty amazed many travelers. Significance: This was Important because many people traveled to the capital to see how amazing it was with really nice gardens and fountains.