
Sacred Country: Australia's History

By towncon
  • Captain Cook discovered Australia

    Captain Cook discovered Australia
    On the 22nd of August 1770 Captain cook first discovered Australia.
  • Captain Arthur Phillip Arrives with the first fleet.

    Captain Arthur Phillip Arrives with the first fleet.
    In 1788 Captain Phillip arrives on the first boat in the first fleet to establish British Penal Colony.
  • Matthew Flinders around the coast of Australia

    Matthew Flinders around the coast of Australia
    Between the years of 1801 and 1803 Captain Matthew Flinders along with Bungaree circumnavigated and travelled around Australia.
  • The Rum rebellion

    The Rum rebellion
    In 1808 the ‘Rum Rebellion’ staged by New south wales corps plans to overthrows Captain William Bligh. It finished on the 1st of Jan 1810.
  • Australia first bank

    Australia first bank
    On the 1st of Jan 1817 the first Australian bank was established in New South Wales.
  • New holland changes to Australia

    New holland changes to Australia
    New Hollands Name was changed to Australia. It is named after a hypothetical 'terra australis nondum cognita' which translates to a great unknown land.
  • The Black War Begins

    The Black War Begins
    The black war of Tasmania begins after being prompted by the rapid spread of British settlers and agricultural livestock.
  • The Black War Ends

    The Black War Ends
    In 1832 after 8 years the black war of Tasmania ends.
  • Melbourne is Established

    Melbourne is Established
    In 1835, what we now know as Port Phillip bay, was named Melbourne.
  • Gold rush begins

    Gold rush begins
    The discovery of gold in 1851 began the gold rush which majorly impacted to population and popularity of Australia.
  • Gold rush ends

    Gold rush ends
    After many years the rush people felt from the gold rush...was lost. And so was the majority of the gold.
  • Right to vote

    Right to vote
    All men, including first nations peoples are given the right to vote.
  • Aboriginal Protection Act

    Aboriginal Protection Act
    The Aboriginal protection act is enforced in Victoria.
  • The Eductation Act

    The Eductation Act
    Australia's education act makes public education free and compulsory in Victoria.
  • Right to vote

    Right to vote
    All women, including first nations peoples were able to vote.