Sacajawea Timeline

  • Sacagawea Born

    Sacagawea Born
    No one has the exact date that she was born but, she was born in Lemhi County, Idaho.
  • Marriage

    Gets married to Toussaint Charbonneau.
  • Sacagawea was captured by the Hidatsa Tribe

    Sacagawea was captured by the Hidatsa Tribe
    No one knows what date she was actually stolen but, when she was 12 years old the Hidatsa Tribe and took all the young people including Sacagawea herself.
  • Lewis and Clark start their expedition with Sacajawea

    Lewis and Clark start their expedition with Sacajawea
    They met her in Hidatsa-Mandan village
  • Expedition left Ft Mandan

    Expedition left Ft Mandan
    Sacajawea traveled 16 months and also showed her knowledge about and for food.
  • Became extremely sick

    She was sick for about a week. Lewis and Clark helped her with recovery and healing her.
  • Met up with her long lost brother

    The expedition met up with a Shoshone tribe and the chief Cameahwait was her brother.
  • Crossed Rocky Mountains

    There was a lot of harsh weather that made it extremely difficult for Sacagawea to cross it. They almost starved to death because if the shortage of food
  • Sacagawea and Charbonneau leave the expedition

  • Arrived back home in Mandan Village

    Arrived back home in Mandan Village
    Charbonneu was paid $533.33 and 320 acres of land but, Sacagawea was paid nothing
  • Lewis and Clark Expedition reached St. Lewis

    Lewis and Clark Expedition reached St. Lewis
  • Sacagawea Dies

    Dies at Ft. Manuel in South Dakota