The Start
China has faced years of humiliation at the hands of outsiders. Foreign countries controlled China's trade and economic resources. Many Chinese believed that modernization and nationalism held the country`s keys for survival. -
Nationalists Overthrow Qing Dynasty
A nationalist was Sun Yixian, the first great leader. His Revolutionary Alliance succeeded in overthrowing the last emperor of the Qing Dynasty. Sun became president of the new Republic of China. Sun hoped to establish a modern government based on nationalism- end of foreign control, poeple's rights- democracy, and people's livelihood- economic security for all Chinese. He considered nationalism vital. Sun lacked the authority and military support to secure national unity. -
The New Republic
Sun turned over the president to Yuan Shikai, a powerful general. Yuan betrayed the democtratic ideas of the revolution and started ruling as a military dictator. His actions provoked revolts, and even his own generals refused to fight the rebels. -
The Effects
After Yuan died, chaos reigned. Civil was broke out as one rival group battled another. Sun tried to reorganized his Kuomintage. Real authority fell into the hands of provincial warlords. They ruled large territories. Warlord armies terrorized the countryside. Roads and bridges fell into disrepair, and crops were destroyed. -
World War I
In 1916 World War I was being waged in Europe. In 1917 Beijing hoping an Allied victory, declared was against Germany. Some Chinese leaders believed that those Allies would return control of China to the Chinese. Under the Treaty of Versailles the Allied leaders gave Japan the territories and privileges that had previously belonged to Germany. -
The May Fourth Movment
When news of the Treaty of Versailles reached China, outrage swept the country. On May 4 over 3000 angry students gathered in the center of Beijing. Mao Zedong who back then was a schoolteacher supported the student protesters. The demonstrations spread to other cities and exploded into a national movment. Workers, shopkeepers and professionals joined the cause. Many Chinese intelectuals turned against Sun Yixian's beliefs in Western democracy in favor of Lenin's brand of Soviet communism. -
The Communist Party
Small groups of young intellectuals were meeting in Shanghai and Beijing to discuss Marx's revolutionary beliefs. The saw the Soviet union under Lenin as a model for political and economic change. -
Lenin Befriends China
While the communist party was forming, Sun Yixian and his Nationalist Party set up a government in south China. Sun became disillusioned with the Western democracies that refused to support his government. Sun decided to ally the Kuomintang with the Communist Party. Sun used Lenin's blueprint for organizing his party. Sun hoped to unite all the revolutionary groups for common action. -
Lenin Befriends China
After Western governments failed to aid Sun, he accepted an offer from the Soviets. Lenin preached worldwide revolution. He seized the opportunity to help China's Nationalist government. Lenin began sending military advisers and equipment to the Nationalists in return for allowing the Chinese Communist to join the Kuomintang. -
Nationalists and Communist Clash
Affter sun Yixian died in 1925 Jing Jieshi headed the Kuomintang. Like Jiang, they feared the Communist' goal of creating a socialist economy modeled after the Soviet Union's. At first, Jiang put aside his differences with the Communists. Together Jiang's Nationalist forces and the Communist successfully fought the warlords. Soon afterward, though, he turned against the Communists. -
Peasants align Themselves with the Communists
Jiang had promised democracy and political rights to all Chinese. Yes his government became more corrupt. Jiang did nothing to improve the life of China's rural peasants. As a result, many peasants threw their support to the Chinese Communist Party. -
Mao Zedong
Communist leader Mao had begun to develop his own brand of communism, he had based his organization in Russia's cities. He believed he could bring revolution to a rural country where the peasants could be true revolutionaries. -
Nationalist troops and armed gangs moved into Shanghai. They killed many Communist leaders and trade union members in the city streets. Nationalists nearly wiped out the Chinese Communist party, few survivors had to hide. -
Nationalist Republic of China
Jiang became president president on the Nationalists Republic of China. Great Britain and the United States both recognized the new government. The Soviet Union did not because of the Shanghai massacre. -
Civivl War Rages in China
Nationalists and Communists were fighting a bloody civil war. Mao and other communists established themselves in the hills of south-central China. He recruited the peasants to join his Red Army. He trained them. Nationalists attacked the Communists repeatedly but failed to drive them out. -
Japan's Invasion Suspends the Civil War
As Chinese fought Chinese, the Japanese watched the power struggle with a lot of interest. Japanese forces took advantage of China's weakening situation. They invaded Manchuria; this attack signaled the onset or World War II in Asia. -
The Long March
Jiang gathered 700000 men and surrounded the Communists' mountain stronghold. Outnumbered, Communists Party realized they faced defeat. -
Long March
The Communists forced fled. The began a 6000-mile-long journey. They crossed river and mountains, plus fought several major battles. The chase lasted more than a year. About 100000people began the march. From 10000 to 30000reached safety in northwestern China, beyond the reach of Jiang's forces. They quickly gained new followers. Meanwhile, as civil war between Nationalists and Communists raged, Japan invaded China. -
Japan's Invasion
Japanese launched an all-out invasion of China. Massive bombings killed thousands of Chinese. Many more died of starvation because of the destruction of farms. -
Japan's Invasion
Japan held control of a large part of China. The Japanese threat forced and uneasy truce between Jiang's and Mao's forces. The Nationalists and Communists had to fight the Japanese together. -
Civil War in China
Mao's Red Army controlled much of northern China. Meanwhile, the Nationalists dominated sothwestern China. Between 1942 and 1945, the United States sent the Nationalists army to fight the Japanese. As soon as the Japanese surrended, the Nationalists and Communists resumed their civil war. -
The People's Republic of Cina
Mao Zedong gains control of the country. "The Peoples's Republic of China". Jiang and other Nationalist leaders retreated to the island of Taiwan( Formosa). -
Two Chinas and the Cold War
China had split into two nations. One was the island of Taiwan, or the Nationalist China and the mainland. The existance of two Chinas, and the conflicting international loyalties they inspired, intensified the Cold War. -
The Treaty of Friendship
Chinese and Soviets signed a treaty of friendship. -
Communist China Continues to Expand
In the early years of Mao's reign, Chinese troops expanded into southern, or inner Mongolia, Tibet, and India. After declaring Inner Mongolia an "Autonomous Area" China chalenged the autonomy. It took control of the country. In a brutal assault in 1950 and 1951, China also took control of Tibet.