Ryleigh Noonan Civil War Timeline

By Noonanr
  • Period: to

    Civil War

    Civil War
  • Middle Creek

    Middle Creek
    At Middle Creek, Kentucky, Colonel Garfield’s Union forces distributed Confederate recruitment efforts that were being carried out under the authority of General Marshall in fighting that produced almost a hundred combined casualties.
  • Lincoln gives a speech at Cooper Union

    Lincoln gives a speech at Cooper Union
    Lincoln who was a lawyer from Springfield, Illinois. He gave a speech at Cooper Union which was in New York City. His speech was said to be forceful and well-reasoned argument that was focused against the spread of slavery.
  • Lincoln visits the Five Points which is the most well known slum in America

    Lincoln visits the Five Points which is the most well known slum in America
    Lincoln had spent time with children at their Sunday school which later helped benefit him during his presidential campaign
  • The Pony Express Begins

    The Pony Express Begins
    It had become the way people on the West and East coasts would communicate before the transcontinental telegraph.
  • President Lincoln fires George McClellan

    President Lincoln fires George McClellan
    General McClellan and President Lincoln talk about how the adminsitration is not supporting McClellan efforts
  • The 1860 Election

    The 1860 Election
    Lincoln won with 180 electoral votes and 1,865,593 of the popular votes. Breckenridge only got 72 electoral votes and 848,356 popular votes. Although Douglas had a less amount of electoral votes he had more of the popular vote rather than what Bell had which caused bell to be the Fourth runner up.
  • Crittenden Compromise

    Crittenden Compromise
    This was an unsuccessful proposal that was introduced by the U.S. Senator Crittenden it was supposed to deal with the secession crisis
  • South Carolina Secedes

    South Carolina Secedes
    Was the first of the 11 states to secede which happened at the beginning of the Civil War
  • U.S. Flag Comes Down

    U.S. Flag Comes Down
    The U.S. flag comes down over Fort Moultrie in Charleston,South Carolina.
  • South Carolina captures forts

    South Carolina captures forts
    South Carolina troops take possession of Fort Moultrie and Castle Pinckney
  • Alabama secedes from the Union

    Alabama secedes from the Union
    Decided to secede after from the Union after the election of Abraham Lincoln from the anti-slavery Republican Party.
  • Abraham Lincoln Becomes President

    Abraham Lincoln Becomes President
    Abraham Lincoln officially becomes the 16th President of the United States of America
  • Southern Forces fire at Fort Sumter in South Carolina

    Southern Forces fire at Fort Sumter in South Carolina
    The Civil War has officially begun.
  • Abraham Lincoln issues a Proclamation

    Abraham Lincoln issues a Proclamation
    Lincoln issues a proclamation that called for 75,000 militiamen
  • Virginia Secedes from the Union

    Virginia Secedes from the Union
    Within five weeks of Virginia seceding from the Union the states that followed in their footsteps were Arkansas, Tennessee and North Carolina.
  • Lincoln Issues A Proclamation of Blockade Against the Southern Ports.

    Lincoln Issues A Proclamation of Blockade Against the Southern Ports.
    With the Proclamation in place the blockade will limit the ability of the rural to stay well supplied during the war against the industrial North.
  • Lee Resigns his Commission in the United States Army

    Lee Resigns his Commission in the United States Army
    Lee said "I cannot raise my hand against my birthplace, my home, my children." and then he left to move to Richmond, Va. He later on accepted the position to command the Naval and Army forces of Virginia that he had been offered.
  • Tennessee Secedes from the Union

    Tennessee Secedes from the Union
    Tennessee was the last of the 11 states whom which had joined the confederacy.
  • Battle of Big Bethel

    Battle of Big Bethel
    The first land battle fought in Virginia
  • Lincoln gives a speech to Congress

    Lincoln gives a speech to Congress
    In his speech he says that war is just "a People's contest...a struggle for maintaining in the world, that form, and substance of government, whose leading object is, to elevate the condition of men..." and with that said the Congress authorized a call for 500,000 men
  • Battle of Bull Run

    Battle of Bull Run
    The first real battle of the war. Was fought in Prince William County, Virginia.
  • Lincoln issues the first General War Order

    Lincoln issues the first General War Order
    The order called for all the U.S. naval and the land forces to begin a general advancement by Feb. 22
  • Gen. Ulysses S. Grant Gets a Victory

    Gen. Ulysses S. Grant Gets a Victory
    Grant captures Fort Henry which is Located in Tennessee
  • Gen. Ulysses S. Grant Gets another Victory and earns a new Nickname

    Gen. Ulysses S. Grant Gets another Victory and earns a new Nickname
    Grant captures Fort Donelson just 10 days after capturing Fort Henry and he earns the nickname "Unconditional Surrender"
  • President Lincoln's family grieves

    President Lincoln's family grieves
    Lincolns family grieves as his 11 year old son Willie dies from a fever which was most likely due to the polluted drinking water in the White House.
  • The Confederates surprise attack on Ulysses S. Grant

    The Confederates surprise attack on Ulysses S. Grant
    Grants Troops were unprepared for the attack at the Shiloh that is located on the Tennessee River. 13,000 Union were killed and wounded along with 10,000 Confederates. According to one website it states that more men were killed and wounded than in the previous American wars combined. Lincoln had been pressured to release Grant from his duties but doesn't and states that he could not spare him because he is a fighter.
  • 17 of the Union Ships are commanded to move up the Mississippi

    17 of the Union Ships are commanded to move up the Mississippi
    David Farragut commands for the Union ships to Move up the Mississippi in order to take over the South's greatest seaport which is located in Louisiana.
  • Battle of Seven Pines

    Battle of Seven Pines
    General Johnston's Army attacks McClellan's troops in Richmond, Virginia and although they nearly defeat the troops Johnston gets severely injured
  • General Robert E. Lee takes over for the Injured Johnston

    General Robert E. Lee takes over for the Injured Johnston
    When Lee takes command of the Army he decides to rename his force to The Army of Northern Virginia. With that McClellan is not impressed at all he says that Lee is "likely to become timid".
  • The Seven Day Battles

    The Seven Day Battles
    Lee attacks McClellan and his troops near Richmond,Virginia.The battles both resulted in very major losses for both of the armies and with that McClellan starts to back out and move toward the Washington area.
  • Second Battle of Bull Run

    Second Battle of Bull Run
    75,000 of the Federalists that were under General John Pope get defeated by 55,000 of the Confederates whom which were under General Stonewall Jackson and also General James Longstreet. And with that the Union army retreats back to Washington, which then causes the President to have to Relieve Pope from his duties.
  • Pres. Lincoln Issues the final Emancipation Proclamation

    Pres. Lincoln Issues the final Emancipation Proclamation
    With the issuing of the final Emancipation Proclamation, it freed all slaves in territories that were being held by Confederates and Lincoln also emphasizes that there will be an enlisting of black soldiers into the Union Army.
  • President Appoints General Joseph Hooker

    President Appoints General Joseph Hooker
    Also known as "Fighting Joe", gets appointed to take Burnside's Position in becoming Commander of the Army of the Potomac.
  • The U.S. Congress enacts a draft

    The U.S. Congress enacts a draft
    The draft affects male citizens from the age of 20 to 45 but exempts the then who either pay $300 or can provide a substitute to take their position. The Poor Northerners complain that "The blood of a poor man is as precious as that of the wealthy."
  • South suffers a huge blow

    South suffers a huge blow
    Stonewall Jackson dies due to his wounds his last words were said to be "Let us cross over the river and rest under the shade of the trees."
  • General Lee launches his second Invasion of the North

    General Lee launches his second Invasion of the North
    Lee along with 75,000 confederates launches his second invasion of the North and is headed in the direction of going into Pennsylvania in a campaign in which will soon lead to Gettysburg.
  • West Virginia becomes a state

    West Virginia becomes a state
    Some western counties from Virginia secede from Virginia and form their own state which is now known as West Virginia
  • Lincoln appoints General George G. Meade

    Lincoln appoints General George G. Meade
    Meade becomes Commander of the Army of Potomac which he replaces Hooker. When Meade takes the position he becomes the fifth man to command the Army in less than a year.
  • Confederates take a defeat

    Confederates take a defeat
    The Confederates take a defeat at the Battle of Gettysburg in Penn.
  • Vicksburg

    The last of Confederate stronghold located on the Mississippi River surrenders to General Grant and the Army of the West. With the Union now having all power of the Mississippi the Confederacy is actually split into two which causes them to be cut off from all of their Western allies.
  • Anti-Draft Riots in New York

    Anti-Draft Riots in New York
    There are at least 120 people killed which included children, there was 2 million dollars worth of damage that was caused and the Union soldiers that had been returning from Gettysburg had to put everything back in order.
  • Grant gets appointed to be Union Commander by Lincoln

    Grant gets appointed to be Union Commander by Lincoln
    Grant gets appointed to be Union Commander by Lincoln
  • Fort Pillow, Tennessee

    Fort Pillow, Tennessee
    Confederate troops whom which were serving under the order of General Nathan Bedford Forrest shot more than 200 prisoner and some of the whites who had begged for their lives.
  • Grant makes a mistake

    Grant makes a mistake
    Grant makes a mistake that results in 7,000 Union either injured and or killed which occurred during the first 20 minutes of an offensive against the fortified Rebels which took place at Cold Harbor in Virginia.
  • The Union forces have a missed opportunity

    The Union forces have a missed opportunity
    Union Forced miss an open opportunity to capture Petersburg and to also cut off the Confederate railroad lines and because pf that missed opportunity their is a siege that will last nine months
  • George B. McClellan is nominated for President

    George B. McClellan is nominated for President
    The Democrats nominated McClellan for President and he will be running against Lincoln who is apart of the Republican Party.
  • Atlanta Gets Captured

    Atlanta Gets Captured
    Atlanta gets captured by Sherman's Army and because of that Lincoln receives a telegraph from Lincoln which clearly stated that "Atlanta was theirs and was fairly won". This victory was major and helped Lincoln with his bid for his upcoming re-election.
  • Lincoln gets re-elected

    Lincoln gets re-elected
    Lincoln defeats Democrat George B. McClellan. Lincoln gets every state but for 3 and also got 55 percent of the popular vote and also had most of the electoral votes (212 out of 233).
  • Atlanta's warehouses and railroads are destroyed

    Atlanta's warehouses and railroads are destroyed
    And with that Sherman along with 62,000 men will begin their March onto the Sea.
  • Hood's Rebel Army of 23,000 men will be crushed

    Hood's Rebel Army of 23,000 men will be crushed
    Hood's Rebel Army that consisted of 23,000 men will be crushed at Nashville by 55,000 of the Federals which also included Negro troops who were under the command of General George H. Thomas.
  • Sherman and his men reach Savannah Georgia

    Sherman and his men reach Savannah Georgia
    Sherman Has left a 300 miles long and 60 miles wide trail of the destruction he has caused Sherman will then go on and telegraph and offer Lincoln Savannah as a Christmas gift from him.
  • U.S. Congress approves the 13th Amendment

    U.S. Congress approves the 13th Amendment
    The 13th Amendment gets approved, It states that it will abolish slavery. Shortly after it is then submitted to the states for ratification.
  • A Peace Conference will take place

    A Peace Conference will take place
    Lincoln will meet with the Confederates Vice Pres. Stephens, The two met at Hampton Roads in Virginia. Although the meeting ended and failure and the War will continue on.
  • Lee surrenders

    Lee surrenders
    Lee and Grant will meet at the Appomattox Court house where they will draw terms of surrender
  • Celebration in Washington

    Celebration in Washington
    Due to Lee's surrender called for celebration. Lincoln will go back into the office feeling relieved
  • Lincoln and his wife will go to the Ford's Theater

    Lincoln and his wife will go to the Ford's Theater
    John Wilkes Booth Shot Lincoln in the back of the head and said "The South is Avenged"
  • Lincoln Passes Away

    Lincoln Passes Away
    Lincoln will pass away due to the gun shot wound to the back of his head
  • The Confederate General Joseph E. Johnston will surrender

    The Confederate General Joseph E. Johnston will surrender
    The Confederate General Joseph E. Johnston will surrender to Sherman near Durham which is located in North Carolina
  • Booth has been trapped

    Booth has been trapped
    The Union Calvary had trapped Booth in a shed and then set the Booth on fire and yet he refused to surrender. Then Booth was later on shot to death
  • Lincoln will be buried

    Lincoln will be buried
    Lincoln gets buried in Oak Ridge Cemetery located outside of Springfield Illinois
  • 13th Amendment of the Constitution

    13th Amendment of the Constitution
    The 13th Amendment will be ratified on this day and slavery as we know it will be abolished
  • Fisk University

    Fisk University
    Fisk University is a historical black university becomes established
  • The last issue of the abolishment Magazine gets issued

    The last issue of the abolishment Magazine gets issued
    The Liberator which was a magazine about abolishment that gets published out of Boston for the very last time.
  • Ohio ratifies the 14th Amendment

    Ohio ratifies the 14th Amendment
    Ohio ratifies the 14th Amendment which meant that the states could not restrict the rights from any citizen
  • African American Men are given the right to vote

    African American Men are given the right to vote
    African American Men are given the right to vote for the first time evr
  • The Congress passes the Civil Rights Act of 1866

    The Congress passes the Civil Rights Act of 1866
    This is the First legislation that protects the rights of African Americans
  • Andrew Johnson Vetoes the Civil Rights Act of 1866

    Andrew Johnson Vetoes the Civil Rights Act of 1866
    The U.S. President at the time will veto the Civil Rights Act of 1866 which protect African Americans Rights
  • Congress overrides the veto

    Congress overrides the veto
    After President Vetoed the Civil Rights Act of 1866, The U.S. Congress will override the veto
  • Tennessee joins back into the Union

    Tennessee joins back into the Union
    Tennessee is the first state that is readmitted into the Union
  • The U.S. Congress passes legislation authorizing the rank of General of the Army

    The U.S. Congress passes legislation authorizing the rank of General of the Army
    Today it would be ranked as a five star general. And Grant becomes the first one to have this title
  • The National Union Convention is held in Philadelphia

    The National Union Convention is held in Philadelphia
    This meeting is held in hopes of reconciling the Radical Republicans into Congress with the Reconstructionist policies that President Andrew Johnson has put together
  • President Andrew Johnson goes on his Swing Around the Circle

    President Andrew Johnson goes on his Swing Around the Circle
    The U.S. President Johnson will begin a speaking tour to gain support for his Re-constructionist policies
  • Western Union Telegraph Expedition to Alaska

    Western Union Telegraph Expedition to Alaska
    This will begin it's second season which will be the first after the death of Robert Kennicott
  • Louisiana will reject the 14th Amendment

    Louisiana will reject the 14th Amendment
    Louisiana will reject the 14th Amendment
  • Delaware rejects the 14th Amendment

    Delaware rejects the 14th Amendment
    This Amendment protects the African Americans rights
  • Nebraska becomes a state

    Nebraska becomes a state
    Nebraska will be admitted as the 37th state
  • The Federal Army will restore the military rule to Mississippi

    The Federal Army will restore the military rule to Mississippi
    This will be part of the Second reconstruction
  • Congress passes the Tenure of Office Act

    Congress passes the Tenure of Office Act
    This act makes it so that the President can not remove the officials who had been appointed with the consent of Congress
  • Alexandria in Virginia will reject thousands of votes from the blacks

    Alexandria in Virginia will reject thousands of votes from the blacks
    Alexandria in Virginia will reject thousands of votes from the blacks which they had earned through the Reconstruction
  • Delaware rejects the 14th Amendment

    Delaware rejects the 14th Amendment
    This amendment protected the African Americans rights
  • The Senate will ratify a treaty in which we purchase Alaska

    The Senate will ratify a treaty in which we purchase Alaska
    The Senate will ratify a treaty in which we purchase Alaska
  • The first raised railroad

    The first raised railroad
    The first raised rail road is created in the U.S.
  • The United States will take control of an Island called Midway Island

    The United States will take control of an Island called Midway Island
    The United States will take control of an Island called Midway Island