ryan&james Russain revolution timeline

  • revolution of 1905

    revolution of 1905
    On January 22nd in St. Petersburgh, Russian troops opened fire on a crowd of helpless workers. they were there to petition their grievances to Czar Nicholas II.
  • WWI

    The leader of Austria Archduke Franz Ferdinand was shot dead causing Russia too join the war to defend its allies
  • Influence of rasputin

    Influence of rasputin
    The peak of rasputins power after the leader nikola left, over his reign he became unpopular among russain citizens
  • The march revolution

    The march revolution
    The second revolution which caused the down fall of the empire and the Russian powers were given to the soveits
  • November revolution

    November revolution
    Civil conflict between Germany and Russia over Germanys political ideology , Russia made them change too a democracy after their belief in a federal monarch