Ryan Giver Vocab Chapters 7-12

By Ryan M
  • Recollection

    Definition: The action or faculty of remembering something.
    Synonym: Memory
    Sentence: Johns Recollection of the party was very different from mine
  • Profound

    Definition: Penetrating or entering deeply into subjects of thought or knowledge; having deep insight or understanding
    Synonym: Deep
    Sentence: I have a profound understanding of the math equations, becuase I had learned them last year in math class.
  • Prestige

    Definition: Reputation or influence arising from success, achievement, rank, or other favorable attributes.
    Synonym: Power
    Sentence: He works at a fast food restaurant, he now has a low prestige level in the world.
  • Sheepish

    Definition: Shy, bashful
    Synonym: Foolish
    Sentence: Wil was acting sheepish when he was talking to Jalani.
  • Serenely

    Definition: Peacefully and calmly
    Synonym: Patiently
    Sentence: Trevor was very serenely when he saw the rattlesnake near hi
  • Avert

    Definition: Turn away
    Synonym: Avoid
    Sentence: I tried to avert my parents after I got a bad grade.
  • Hasty

    Definition: Hurried, rush
    Synonym: Swift
    Sentence: I was hasty when I found out I was late for work
  • Indolence

    Definition: Laziness
    Synonym: Procrastination
    Sentence: Indolence is one of my specialties.
  • Requisitioned

    Definition: To demand or take
    Synonym: Buy
    Sentence: I requisitioned my brother to let me play Fortnite on the PlayStation.
  • Conspicuous

    Definition: Noticeable; easy to see
    Synonym: Distinct
    Sentence: The green banana was very conspicuous around the other yellow bananas.
  • Unnerving

    Definition: unsettling, and upsetting.
    Synonym: Chill
    Sentence: It was unnerving to find out that my brother was sick when I got home.
  • Self-consciously

    Definition: Uncomfortably; showing you're embarrassed
    Synonym: Confident
    Sentence: I was very self-conscious when I was at my moms friends house.
  • Tentatively

    Definition: Uncertainty and hesitantly
    Synonym: Temporarily
    Sentence: He was very tentative to make the deal with
  • Fretful

    Definition: Uneasy or distressed
    Synonym: Cranky
    Sentence: I am very fretful when it comes to homework.
  • Admonition

    Definition: Warning
    Synonym: Advice
    Sentence: There was an admonition about a tornado.
  • Relinquished

    Definition: Give up or let go
    Synonym: Drop out
    Sentence: I relinquish my bed since it was too small.