Hassans Birth
Hassan was born in Amir's house, the "in the winter of 1964" (Hosseini 6). Amir and Hassan were both born and raised in the same vicinity, growing up together. Over the corse of their child hood they grew a brotherly connection that made them extremely close. -
Baba's Orphanage
When amir was at the age five and a half or so, "Baba decided to build and orphange" (Hosseini 13). Baba was laughed at until he finally built his masterpiece. He surprised everyone with his success and then as a result he was very respected. -
Baba's Mean Words
One day during Rahim and Baba's conversation baby says this about amir, "a boy who won’t stand up for himself becomes a man who can’t stand up to anything” (Hosseini 221). Baba unaware that Amir is listening, says this hurtful accusation. This statement haunts Amir and makes him strive to impress/work hard for his father so he can prove him wrong. -
The First Glimpse of War
For the first time in their lives Amir and Hassan hear the sounds of the soviet army tearing through a neighboring town and, "The shootings and explosions had... had frightened us badly"(Hosseini 36). This resembles how Kabul is going to change, and change it does. Also This reinforces how Kabul is going to change for the worse. -
Amir Should Have Intervened
The book begins as amir flashes back. “I became what I am today at the age of twelve, on a frigid overcast day in the winter of 1975.” (Hosseini 1). This was on the same night as the kite fights, when Amir chose not to help Hassan. Amir watches Hassan get raped and this forever changes his life. -
The Winter of 1975
In the novel, Amir realizes that he is a coward. He says, "I had one last opportunity to stick up for Hassan- the way he had stuck up for me all those times in the past- and accept whatever happened to me. Or I could run" (Hosseini 77). In the end, Amir decides to be a coward and not stick up for him true friend Hassan because he is afraid of what Assef might do to him if he intervenes. In addition, Amir didn't yet realize that this would be his actual turning point in his life. -
Amir Turns 13
“I turned thirteen that summer of 1976, Afghanistan’s next to last summer of peace and anonymity.” (Hosseini 93). This is the year Ali and Hassan quit. they quite because Amir frames Hassan, and being the good friend he is, Hassan owns up to taking Amir's birthday gifts. -
Article-Soviet Troops Arrive for The First Time
On this day, December 27, 1979, the "first soviet troops parachuted into Kabul"(NYT 2). -
Life In California
While living in Fremont, California Amir “tried to get Baba to enroll in ESL classes to improve his broken English. But he scoffed at the idea.” (Hosseini 126). Amir is encouraging baba to enroll in these classes because in The United States of America english is necessary. This might also give the struggling Baba more costumers at his lonesome gas station. -
Article-USA helps out
In 1986 and after, the soviet airfare declines because of the "Advanced Stinger Aircraft missiles supplied by the United states"(NYT 2). -
Article-Soviets leave
At last the soviets finally leave Afghanistan, "The last soviet troops left Afghanistan in February, 1989"(NYT 2). -
Article-Omar Has Over 12,000 Followers
The ruthless Taliban leader "By the end of 1994, Omar Mullah had over 12,000 followers"(NYT 3). -
Article-Pakistan Intelligence feeds Omar's Army
Omar's army had began to grow stronger and by the end of 1994 "...Pakistan intelligence officers had began funneling arms, money, and supply's to Omar's army"(NYT 3). -
Article-Taliban Shelter Osama Bin Laden
The strong Taliban during May of 1996, "Provide a safe haven for the notorious Bin Laden"(NYT 3). -
Article-Removal of Taliban
In 2001 the invasion succeeds and the result was, "removing the Taliban from power"(NYT 1). -
Amir Hiding the Truth
Amir talks about that one moment he chose to not act when his friend needed it most, "That was a long time ago, but it's wrong what they say about the past, I've learned, about how you can bury it. Looking back now, I realize I have been peeking into that deserted alley for the last twenty-six years" (Hosseini 1). Amir knows that what he did the day in the winter of 1975 was wrong. But, another mistake he made was hiding it for twenty plus years. -
Shorab in America
When Amir and Sohrab arrive home, "Soraya picks them up at the airport" (Hosseini 357). When Sohrab arrives to what is now home, he is not pleased. He wants to go back to the old Kabul, he wants his dad, and mostly he wants his mother. -
Shoran Attempts to Take His Own Life
Sohrab was scared that the orphanage would be where he had to go so he try to take the easy way out by slitting his wrists. Luckily, Amir finds him and says later that, "[he] was still screaming when the ambulance arrived"(Hosseini 343). This is evidence that Sohrab can not live another day inside no orphanage of any kind. He wanted to go to America with Amir to get away from Kabul -
Rahim's Phone call
To start off the novel, Amir gets a phone call from an old friend, " My friend Rahim Kahn called from Pakistan. He asked me to come see him"(Hosseini 1). Rahim Kahn is very likely calling Amir to tell him what has happened to his old friends and older town. It is only later that amir is aware he will be bringing back Hassan's son . -
Amir Returns
Amir tells his wife in 2001 that he, "[has] to go back Pakistan... Rahim Khan is very sick" (Hosseini 191). When going back to his birthplace he is shocked. Rahim tells Amir that Hassan is, or was, Amir's brother. This causes Amir to question his whole entire life, It was all a lie. -
Assef Nearly Kills Amir
During Amir and Assef's meeting, after recognition of one another, Assef begins the beating, " Amir kept roaring with every blow. And the harder I laughed, the harder he kicked me"(Hosseini 289). Getting beaten like this portrays Amirs character development. Starting as a weak boy that wouldn't even stand up for his best friend when he needed it most. Into a strong man that takes a beating to atone for his and his fathers sins. -
Sohrab and Amir fly the kite
On new years, Amir and Sohrab fly a kite and after shoran wins using amirs tips amir says, "Do you want me to run that kite for you"(Hosseini 371). This message delivered from amir, illustrates how amir is going to treat Sohrab alike Hassan treated him as a child. Also This exemplifies amir's character growth, starting as an unworthy brat, to a caring father. -
Article-Obama focuses on Afghanistan
In roughly 2006 President Barack Obama centers the focus on Afghanistan and as a result places an additional "almost 50,000 troops"(NYT 1), to the already strong fighting army. -
Article-The 2007 "surge"
Illustrated by General David H. Petraeus the man himself was, "in command of American troops in Afghanistan"(NYT 1). -
Article-Obama's Speech
In 2009 President Barack Obama delivers a speech and "announces his plan to destroy 30,000 Taliban troops"(NYT 4).