
Evolution of Democracy

  • 1753 BCE

    The Code of King Hammurabi

    The Code of King Hammurabi
    The person who rules over the rulers of other cities is whoever is in power of that region or country. Everything that you have done must have an equal consequence to yourself, as it is seen as fair. The rules made by higher authorities were established.
  • 1215

    King John 1; Magna Carta

    King John 1; Magna Carta
    No enforcement officer should enforce the law without a credible source or witness. No person accused of a crime should be imprisoned, have lethal force used on them, or not have the right to remain in the country. The accused person must face judgment from an alternate party or by the country's laws. No time is wasted in justice.
  • John Locke; Concerning Civil Government

    John Locke; Concerning Civil Government
    A persons freedom should not be governed by anyone with power on earth. No one can push authority onto you, and you live by what you believe in. Your community cannot be under any legislative power other than the representatives your community elects in power.
  • Declaration of The Right of Man

    Declaration of The Right of Man
    1. Freedom is allowed throughout the country. No one who is not apart of the government cannot enforce the law on any others.
    2. You can be free, on your own without harming anyone else, you can express your rights freely and society can exercise the same rights as yours.
  • XV Amendment to constitution of The U.S.

    XV Amendment to constitution of The U.S.
    No matter what ethnicity, race or belief, the country or state cannot refuse or not count your vote.
  • U.N. Declaration of Human Rights

    U.N. Declaration of Human Rights
    The Declaration of Human Rights says that people can express their rights and freedom in a controlled manner to be heard by the higher government.
  • European Member States

    European Member States
    Union of Europe is created, the Union decides to recall the historic importance of the separation of the European Continent to improve Europe's future. This confirm their use of Democracy, freedom and the exercise of human rights. They want to improve on their overall task of a consistent and efficient society.
  • New Zealand; Election Act

    New Zealand; Election Act
    An electoral bill containing information about the well-being of women introduced by Richard Seddon in June. The debate aided the releasement Mauri and Pakeha women, as well as giving all women in New Zealand the right to vote.