Ruth Mosko was born November 4, 1916 as the tenth child to Jacob and Ida Mosko ("Ruth Handler"). .Picture: http://www.babyannouncementwording.org/ -
Married Life
Ruth Mosko married Elliot Handler in 1938. They had two children, Barbara and Ken ("Ruth Handler"). .Picture: http://www.designboom.com/snapshot/gallery.php?SNAPSHOT_ID=24&GALLERY_ID=1076 -
In 1945 the Handlers established a woodworking bussiness with Harold Matson. They named the company Mattel ("Ruth Handler"). .Picture: http://syracusethenandnow.org/Dwntwn/ClintonSq/GridleyBuilding/GridleyBuilding.htm -
Sears say No to Barbie's
The Sears Company did not carry the doll in its stores or offer it in mail-order cataloque, claiming it was "too sexy" ("Barbie Dolls") .Picture: http://www.flickr.com/photos/lwicca666/3933329851/ -
Millions of Barbies!
"More than six million Barbie dolls were produced each year during the early 1960's . A new male teen was made name Ken who was Barbie's boyfriend." ("Barbie Dolls") .Picture: http://www.theepochtimes.com/n2/business/mattel-china-lead-toys-barbie-17917.html -
The Mattel company was accused of falsifying financial documents. At the age of 62, Handler became a felon ("Ruth Handler"). .Picture: http://artbistro.monster.com/finance/articles/8214-streamlining-your-personal-financial-documents -
Breast Cancer
"Ruth Handler struggled with breast cancer and became an advocate for Breast Can cer Research. She invented the Nearly Me Prosthetic Breast Enhancers specially for women such as herself who had lost their breast to mastectomies" ("Ruth Handler"). .Picture: http://www.radcliffe.edu/schles/exhibits/enterprisingwomen/builder/handler.html -
"The Barbie Doll was criticized with having amazing cars, houses, and clothes. All materialism proportions ."("Barbie"). .Picture: http://www.preloved.co.uk/adverts/show/104460934/lilac-barbie-sports-car-rare-2-fancy-dress-barbie-dolls.html -
International Barbie's
"By 1985, Barbie came in ehite, Hispanic, and African American versions" ("Barbie Dolls"). .Picture: http://www.kval.com/news/consumertips/40934947.html -
Scandal in Saudi Arabia
"In 1995 Saudi Arabia stopped its sale because is violated the Islamic dress code" ("Barbie") .Picture: http://www.cartoonstock.com/directory/b/barbies_gifts.asp -
Ruth deadth
"When Ruth was 85 cancer took her life on April, 27 2011. She was burried at the star- studded Hillside Memorial Cementary in Culver City, California" ("Ruth Handler") .Picture: http://cemetery.ci.lubbock.tx.us/ -
Color Symbol
I chose the color orange to symbolize Ruth because it represents "happiness, creativity, success." .Picture: http://www.cakesupplies4u.com/Products/Spectrum-Gel-Color-Orange-75-oz__10113.aspx -
Animal Symbol
I chose a buffalo to symbolized Ruth Handler because it represents "creativity, feminine courage, courage, strength" ("Animal Symbolism"). She was extremely creative when she started creating the Barbie's. After she was detected with breast cancer she was determined to not give up, she had strenght and courage. .Picture: http://www.firstpeople.us/pictures/buffalo/ls/Buffalo.html -
Works Citied
"Barbie." Encyclopedia Britannica. Encyclopedia Britannica ONline School Edition. Encyclopedia Brittanic, Inc.,2011. Web. 29 Nov. 2011 Scott, Sharon M. "Ruth Handler." Pop Culture Universe: Icons, Idols, Ideals. ABC-CLIO, 2011. Web. 29 Nov. 2011. Sherrow, Victoria. "Barbie Dolls." Daily LIfe through History. ABC-CLIO, 2011. Web. 29 Nov. 2011.