Marxists Revelutionaries Split
Marxists revelutionaries disagree over revelutionary tactics. The more radical Bolsheviks are ready to risk everything. The charismatic Vladimir Lenin becomes the leader. -
Russo Japenese War
Russia and Japan fighting over the rights of Korea and Manchurea. The countries had a series of agreaments but Russia broke them. Japanese retaliated by attacking port Arthur. -
The Bloody Sunday
About 200,000 workers and their families aproached the Czars winter palace inm Saint Petersburg carrying a pettition for better working rights. Then Nicholas II,s gaurds ordered fire on the crowd. This provoked violence and strikes across the country -
The First Duma
The leaders were moderates who wanted Russia to become a constitutional monarchy. Czar was resistant to share he disolved the Duma after ten weeks. -
The Final Blow
Nicholas II made the faithful descision to pull Russia into WW1. Russia was unprepaired to handle military and economic cost and weak generals and soldiers. Before 1 year they lost more than 4 million men -
Women Textiles
women textiles in petrograd led a city wide strike. the next 5 days nearly 200,000 workers flared up over shortages of bread and fuel. At first soldiers shot the rioters but then they sided with the workers. -
Power To The People
People were rallying in the cities for all power to the soviets. Lenons slogan- Peace, Power, and Bread. -
Russia and Germany signed the treaty of brest litousk. Russia surendered a lot of territory to the germans and their allies. -
Several western nations sent troops including USA but they were little help. -
Lennin wanted state controlled econemy but had to do a small scale of capitalism. -
Health Problems
Lennin suffered a stroke. He survived but it sent competition for the comunist party between Leon Trotsky and Joseph Stallion. It also became the USSR.