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Russian World: Cold War Illustrated Timeline

  • Soviet union is formed

    Soviet union is formed
    In December of 1922 the Soviet Union is formed after the Red Army won the Russian Civil War under the Bolshevik party and it's leader Vladimir Lenin.
  • After Lenin's death Stalin takes control of USSR

    After Lenin's death Stalin takes control of USSR
    Joseph Stalin one of Lenin's closest advisors takes control of the Communist Party after the death of Lenin.
  • Yalta Conference: Cold War Begins

    Yalta Conference: Cold War Begins
    The leaders of the 3 World superpowers at the time get together at Yalta to discuss the outcome of the war.
  • United States dropped first Atomic Bomb on Japan

    United States dropped first Atomic Bomb on Japan
    The United States developed and later dropped the first atomic bomb on Japan causes them to unconditionally surrender and put an end to WW2.
  • Russia joins war against Japan

    Russia joins war against Japan
    Right when it looked like Japan was going to lose, Russia joined the war to have saying power in what happens to Japan.
  • Japanesse Surrender

    Japanesse Surrender
    The Empire of Japan unconditionally surrenders after the detonation of two atomic bombs dropped by the U.S.
  • Winston Churchill gives "Iron Curtain" Speech

    Winston Churchill gives "Iron Curtain" Speech
    After WW2 Winston Churchill Prime Minister of Britian gives one of his most famous speeches about the dangers of communism.
  • Berlin Blockade

    Berlin Blockade
    Russia blockades the democratic side of Belin from recieving aid and supplies from the U.S.
  • NATO ratified

    NATO ratified
    The North Atlantic Treaty Organization developed to protect against outside threats.
  • Soviets explode first atomic bomb

    Soviets explode first atomic bomb
    Soviets finally developed nuclear weapons and detonate their first atomic bomb.
  • Mao Zedong, a Communist, takes control of China

    Mao Zedong, a Communist, takes control of China
    Mao Zedong a ruthless dictator takes control of China and turns it into a communistic state.
  • Korean War begins

    Korean War begins
    A war between Democratic South Korea and communistic North Korea.
  • Korean War ends

    Korean War ends
    Korean War ended with an armistice where both sides ceased-fire and had no real victor.
  • KGB established

    KGB established
    The KGB secret russian police where created by a paranoid Stalin to get rid of his opponents.
  • Warsaw Pact formed

    Warsaw Pact formed
    Warsaw pact was the opposite of NATO where the eastern communist countries signed a pact to defend against outside opposition.
  • Sputnik lauched into orbit

    Sputnik lauched into orbit
    The Soviet Union lauched the first satellite into space starting the space race between them and the United States.
  • Cuba taken over by Fidel Castro

    Cuba taken over by Fidel Castro
    Cuba taken over by the communist dictator Fidel Castro who was supported by the Soviet Union and was the closest Communsistic state to the U.S.
  • John F. Kennedy elected President

    John F. Kennedy elected President
    The youngest and most vibrant President ever elected was John F. Kennedy also known as JFK. His competitor for the presidency that year was later president Richard Nixon.
  • Construction of Berlin Wall begins

    Construction of Berlin Wall begins
    The construstion of a wall to seperate democractic Berlin from communistic Berlin was underway.
  • Cuban Missile Crisis

    Cuban Missile Crisis
    It was verified that their where nuclear weapons in Cuba which was close enough to reach the United States. This began very serious negotiations between the U.S and USSR to remove the nuclear weapons from Cuba and Turkey.
  • President Kennedy assassinated in Dallas, Texas

    President Kennedy assassinated in Dallas, Texas
    Kennedy was fatally shot while traveling with his wife Jacqueline, Texas Governor John Connally, and Connally's wife Nellie, in a presidential motorcade.
  • Apollo 11 lands on the moon

    Apollo 11 lands on the moon
    The United States lands the first man on the moon offically winning the space race and fufilling JFK's goal of reaching the moon by the end of the decade.
  • Cease fire in Vietnam

    Cease fire in Vietnam
    The Vietnam War between North Communist Vietnam and South Democractic Vietnam comes to a cease-fire halting the war.
  • President Nixon resigns

    President Nixon resigns
    President Richard Nixon resigns the office after the infamous Watergate Scandal in which he supposedly cheated to win the election and later lied about his involvment.
  • North Vietnam defeats South Vietnam

    North Vietnam defeats South Vietnam
    Communist North officially defeats Democratic South Vietnam.
  • Mikhail Gorbachev ascends to power in Soviet Union

    Mikhail Gorbachev ascends to power in Soviet Union
    He was the first (and last) president of the Soviet Union from 1990 until its dissolution in 1991.
  • Soviet troops withdraw from Afghanistan

    Soviet troops withdraw from Afghanistan
    After nearly a decade of fighting after they invaded Afghanistan the Soviet troops are defeated and withdrawl from the country.
  • Berlin Wall falls

    Berlin Wall falls
    The Berlin Wall is torn down reuniting Berlin.
  • End of Soviet Union Cold War Ends

    End of Soviet Union Cold War Ends
    With the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991 the Cold War ofiicially is put to an end.