Russian To Change

  • Marxists Revolutionaries Split

    Marxists Revolutionaries Split
    Marxists revolutionaries disagree over revolutionary tactics. The more radical Bolsheviks are ready to risk everything. The charismatic Vladimir Lenin becomes the leader.
  • Period: to

    Russian to Change

    Events of the Russian Revolution
  • Russia Losses

    Russia Losses
    News of repeated Russian losses sparked unrest at home and led to a revolt in the midst of the war.
  • Petition for Conditions

    Petition for Conditions
    200,000 workers approached czar's palace with a petition asking for a better working conditions, more personal freedom, and an elected nation's legislature.
  • Duma

    The first Duma (Russia's Parliament) met. He was hesitant to share his power. Czar dissolved Duma after 10 weeks.
  • Bringing Russia into WW1

    Bringing Russia into WW1
    Nicholas II brought Russia into World War One. Russia was unprepared, and no match for the German army. Before a year, over 4 million Russian soldiers were dead, wounded or imprisioned.
  • Working Women

    Working Women
    Women textile workers led a strike in Petrograd. 200,000 workers swarmed the streets, protesting war.
  • Storming The Palace

    Storming The Palace
    Army factory workers stomed the Winter Palace in Petrograd. The "Bolshevik Red Gaurds" arrested government leaders and took over government offices.
  • Signing the Treaty

    Signing the Treaty
    Russia and Germany signed the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk. Russia surrendered part of it's territory to Germany.
  • Raging War

    Raging War
    A Civil War raged in Russia. Western Nations sent military aid to Russia, but were little help.
  • 'New Economic Policy'

    'New Economic Policy'
    Lenin put aside a plan for state-controlled economy. Resorted to a new version of capitalism called 'New Economic Policy'.
  • End of Lenin

    End of Lenin
    The country was named 'Union of Soviet Socialist Republies'. Lenin had a stroke. Stalin climbed to the head of the government. Lenin thought Stalin was very dangerous. Lenin was right, because Stalin became a dictator.