Russian Timeline Activity

  • Conditions in Russia

    Largest, most populated nation in Europe is Russia. They're a great world power, and are multinational. They have vast resources, global influence and interests. The western powers did not like their Autocratic Government and expansionist aims.
    They are economically undeveloped, and the Russian Csars wanted modernization with lingering fears of it undermining their absolute rule and rigid social structure. Landholding nobles rejected change to these new privleges. The Middle Class was too small
  • Conditions in Russia cont.

    was too small to influence. The majority of Russians were serfs.
  • Period: to


    The enlightenment and French Revolution did not change the Csars absolute power. All revolts were repressed by Csars such as Alexander I. Strict rules were in place: liberals were locked up, newspapers monitored and rules existed at schools. Reform was on the brink.
  • Reforms of Alexander II

    Reforms of Alexander II
    Alexander II emancipates all serfs, giving them freedom. Peasants still remained poor and discontent, however. They mostly moved to cities to build industries. Local governments set up to take care of local problems: schools, repair, and agriculture.
  • Change not satisfying

    Change not satisfying
    Alexander's reforms didn't satisfy Russians. Peasants wanted land, and Liberals wanted a constitution. The Csar moved away from reform. Radical groups start turning towards terrorism. Csar responds by increasing power and size of secret police, strict censorship, and exiled critics. Enacts Russification program to unify people. and persecuted lots of Jews.
  • Industry

    Peasants freed, industry was huge. Creates problems for peasants. Radicals preached Marxist ideas. Ideals took off.
  • Turning Point

    Turning Point
    Workers, liberals, protesters take to streets. Wanted change, and marched to Csar's winter palace in St. Petersburg. Csar fears protesters and flees. Gunfires rings, 100 dead. Bloody Sunday. Csar no longer in peoples faith.
  • Revolution

    Discontent in Russia. Csar promises freedom of person, conscience, speech, assembly, and union. Russian legislature created, where no law gos through with approval from this. Didn't solve problems, revolution on the rise.