Russian Timeline

  • Conditions in Russia (obstacles, classes, facts)

    Conditions in Russia (obstacles, classes, facts)
    • multinational
    • great world power
    • economically undeveloped
    • majority of population = serfs
    • absolute rule
    • rigid social structure
  • Russian Absolutism

    Russian Absolutism
    • Czar refused to allow the Enlightenment and/or the French revolution to encourage his people
    • Crushed any liberal opposition
  • Reforms of Alexander II

    Reforms of Alexander II
    • In 1861, all serfs were given freedom by Alexander II
    • Industrialization began to take place in return
    • Local gov'ts form
  • Reactions to Alexander’s Reforms

    Reactions to Alexander’s Reforms
    • Russians were pissed about Alexander's reforms
    • They still wanted more freedom
    • Peasants wanted land; liberals wanted constitution
    • Radicals turn to terrorism (assassination attempt)
  • Czar’s reaction to Liberals/Peasants

    Czar’s reaction to Liberals/Peasants
    • Obviously, he was upset about these reactions
    • He increased power to put a stop to the growing opposition
    • Persecutes Jews
    • Increased secret police, censorship
  • Industry Built

    Industry Built
    • As a result of emancipated serfs, industrialization took place
    • Marxist ideas begin to surface
  • Turning Point: Crisis/Bloody Sunday

    Turning Point: Crisis/Bloody Sunday
    • Opposers march to Czar's winter palace, demanding for change
    • Being the pussy he was, the Czar fled in fear
    • Protestors were killed, but trust was lost in the Czar
  • Turning Point: Revolution

    Turning Point: Revolution
    • The Czar 'promised' more freedom for the people
    • A Russian legislature was created but never used (Duma)
    • As a result of the continued discontent, Russia was on the brink of another revolution
  • Where will Russia go?

    Where will Russia go?
    I'm sure another Revolution is going to take place, followed by many more. I predict that most of them will be unsuccessful and only result in a very small amount of change. Today, Russia's still having quite a few issues, and I'm sure another revolution is going to be rising up shortly.