Russian timeline

  • Revolution of January 22 1905/October Manifesto October 17 1905

    Revolution of January 22 1905/October Manifesto October 17 1905
    began due many factors, such as the Russian defeat in the Russo-Japanese War but more prominently, the social unrest among workers, peasants, and the military. As a result and forced to make concessions, Nicholas II signed the October Manifesto on October 17, 1905 which gave more freedoms to the public such as civil liberties, a legislative body (Duma), etc.
    This visual exemplifies the participants in the event marching for change and the great extent the social unrest extended to.
  • Beginning of WWI

    Beginning of WWI
    This was a global war sparked by the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand by Serbians, angering Austria, along with other factors, such as secret alliances, nationalism, and imperialism. This political cartoon represents the popular perspective of the chain reaction of one of the causing factors of the war, secret alliances.
  • Czar Nicholas II take sole control of Military operation

    Czar Nicholas II take sole control of Military operation
    in an attempt to create a better image for himself, Czar Nicholas II took control of the military, even without previous military experience. This poor decision led to his eventual abdication in 1917 This is a visual portraying Nicholas II in his powerful position and strong image as Czar
  • Brusilov Offensive June 4 1916 - September 20 1916

    Brusilov Offensive June 4 1916 - September 20 1916
    the highest effort Russian attack against the armies of the Central Powers on the Eastern Front during World War I. Plan of the Brusilov Offensive June-October 1916 showing the advancements of Russia
  • Assasination of Rasputin

    Assasination of Rasputin
    Rasputin was assassinated by three gunshot wounds. He was known for his Russian influence beside the Tsarina while Tsar Nicholas II was leading the military; however, it was believed that he did this solely for personal gain. This political cartoon exemplifies the potential evil in Rasputin’s influence over the Tsar and Tsarina.
  • International Women's Day March in Petrograd

    International Women's Day March in Petrograd
    the Russian Revolution began as factory women began marching for improved working conditions while calling for others to join in, ultimately bringing together a large group of men, women, and children in opposition to the Russian government. These people were shot at as a result. This is a visual representing the thousands of people opposing the Russian government, calling for change and signifying the large amounts of unhappiness under Tsar Nicholas II’s regime.
  • Nicholas II abdicates

    Nicholas II abdicates
    Tsar Nicholas II abdicated due to the increasing social unrest among workers, peasants, and even his own military. Other leading factors of his abdication included poor leadership as well as lack of understanding of the current conditions of the Russian people. This visual is an American newspaper discussing the state of Russia as the Tsar abdicates, illustrating the effects of his abdication beyond Russia.
  • Provisional government formed

    Provisional government formed
    the Provisional Government was formed as a temporary authority prior to a new leader being elected. This is a visual of the Provisional Government in 1917 that would ultimately conflict ideologie with the Petrograd Soviet.
  • April theses published

    April theses published
    The April Theses was published on April 7, 1917 where it called for Soviet control of state power and also contributed to the July Days uprising and also to the Bolshevik coup d'etat in October 1917. The picture shows Lenin announcing what became known as the April Theses where he attacked Bolsheviks for supporting the Provisional Government, urged the peasants to take the land from the rich landlords, and the industrial workers to seize the factories
  • return of lenin from exile

    return of lenin from exile
    Lenin returned on April 16, 1917 where he began to lead Bolshevik forces to overthrow the Provisional Government and replace it with the Bolshevik/ Soviet party to obtain the goal of going straight to radicalized socialism. Lenin’s Bolsheviks Overthrow Kerensky’s Provisional Gov’t, Start Russian Civil War
  • First all-russian congress of Soviets meets

    First all-russian congress of Soviets meets
    The First All-Russian Congress was from June 16 – July 7, 1917 was dominated by pro-government parties in which it confirmed the supremacy of the Russian Provisional Government causing many disagreements. The image shows how the Congress had conflicting viewpoints on the issues that were discussed.
  • July days

    July days
    This was a period of unrest in Petrograd, Russia, between 16–20 July 1917 because of the soldiers and industrial workers in the city rioting against the Provisional Government. The July Days begin and the city is not functioning because of the violence where Lenin is forced into hiding.
  • Trotsky organizes Red Guard to defend Petrograd

    Trotsky organizes Red Guard to defend Petrograd
    Tronsky organized the Red Guard within a few days to obtain 25,000 workers enrolled in the militia where they became the official armed force of, Bolshevist majority, Petrograd Soviet. The image shows the large amount of power they would have because of the amount of people in the Red Guard.
  • Kornilov Affair

    Kornilov Affair
    The Kornilov Affair was an attempted military coup d'état against the Russian Provisional Government by Russian Army commander-in-chief General Lavr Kornilov, from 10–13 September 1917. The image shows Kornilov being greeted by his officers and shows the trust and praise that he received because of this plan.
  • Bolsheviks overthrow the Provisional Government and take control

    Bolsheviks overthrow the Provisional Government and take control
    Bolshevik Party, ultimately peacefully stormed Petrograd, Russia taking control of the Provisional Government This image was chosen as it shows the absence of force and weapons, illustrating the peaceful transfer of power.
  • Cheka formed

    Cheka formed
    “the secret police”, lead by Feliks Dzerhinskii aimed to end the potential revolutionaries using fear and force. This image was chosen as it was the badge symbol that represented the Cheka and to show the fear that was associated with this symbol, because of their known violent force.
  • Wartime Communism Created

    Wartime Communism Created
    purpose to regulate economic decisions and extra resources during the civil war in order to feed the soldiers. Lead to peasants only making enough food for themselves, and famine. This image was chosen because it is an example of a poster Lenin used in attempt to motivate farmers to continue and increase their production and evoke heroism of the soldiers and their goals for war.
  • Kolchak (one of the White leaders) begins serious attacks against Reds from Siberia

    Kolchak (one of the White leaders) begins serious attacks against Reds from Siberia
    as the general overall leader of the Whites, Kolchak took over Siberia by overthrowing the Siberia provisional government, and with this power began attacks on the Reds. This image was chosen to show the extent Kolchak took over power as to make every detail of Siberia pertain to his image which was associated with fear on behalf of his abuse of power through the mass attacks.
  • Constituent Assembly meets and is disbanded

    Constituent Assembly meets and is disbanded
    January 18-19 1918 after voting to verify the Constitutional Assembly, the Socialist Revolutionaries dominated the vote to dismantle it, with the Bolshiviks doubting their power beforehand led to this being an unexpected outcome of the vote. This image was chosen as this was a poster created by Viktor Deni, suggesting that the Constituent Assembly vote was corrupted from an outside perspective of the vote.
  • treaty of Breast-Litovsk

    treaty of Breast-Litovsk
    agreement between Germany and Russia to stop war, Russia lost significant amount of land. This fueled Russian support for Austria. This image was chosen because it shows in Bright Orange the extent of the land lost from Russia by the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk in comparison to the rest of its land to compare the intensity of the loss which would be different depending on the size of the territory.
  • Red terror

    Red terror
    September 2 1918-1922, a series of murders with purpose of producing fear, tied to Bolshevik party. This image was chosen as to show the casualness that came about with the killings of the red terror because of the frequency and intensity of the amount of murders.
  • Poles move toward Kiev

    Poles move toward Kiev
    Known as the Kiev Offensive 1920 where armed troops from Poland, with an alliance with Ukraine’s leader, tried to recapture the land taken from Ukraine by the Soviets. This led to the beginning of the Polish-Soviet War from 1919 to 1921 which ended with the Peace of Riga. This propaganda poster created named “This is how the Polish lords’ plan finishes,” represents the definition because it shows the perspective of those affected by the Polish-Soviet war in Russia.
  • Tambov Rebellion

    Tambov Rebellion
    1920-21 the largest peasant led rebellions in Russia against the Bolsheviks during the Russian Civil War. The peasants organized by social revolutionaries. their main goal was to put an end to forced grain requisitioning, although destroyed by the Red Army This image shows the unity of peasants from the region around Tambov and their dislike of the Bolsheviks during Russian Civil War. It shows a possible reason as to why they lost since Tambov had a location disadvantage since Moscow was near.
  • Soviets attempt to take Warsaw

    Soviets attempt to take Warsaw
    Aug 13-25 Battle of Warsaw fought between the Poles and the Soviets during the Polish-Soviet War, ended in Polish victory. The Poles were on the edge of losing the war as a whole due to massive losses, but were able to secure the win and eventually gain independence by forcing the Soviet to an uncoordinated withdrawal. This image shows Polish soldiers on the Warsaw front, waiting for the Soviets attack and is significant because it shows the preparation the Poles took that led to their success.
  • ending of wartime communism

    ending of wartime communism
    Lenin believed War Communism would give him more economic and political control, but because many citizens were upset with the conditions caused by it such as the Famine in 1921 and uprisings, it eventually ended due to the Kronstadt Rebellion as Lenin wanted to maintain his power This image was chosen to demonstrate the effects of War Communism through the lives of the peasants during the Russian Civil War in 1921, showing the unfair consequences the peasants had to pay.
  • Kronstadt uprising

    Kronstadt uprising
    the national upset from the government mandated War Communism, the Kronstadt uprising in 1921, consisting of sailors, soldiers, and civilians in Kronstadt, rebelled against the Bolsheviks since they were trying to create a one-party nation. This photo was chosen as it depicts the Red Army in Kronstadt in 1921, taking shots at those who revolted against them, demonstrating the harshness and consequences of the Civil War in Russia.
  • Ukraine brought under Soviet control

    Ukraine brought under Soviet control
    after the events of the Russian Civil War, Ukraine was brought under Soviet control and was renamed the Ukrainin Soviet Socialist Republic. Their government was controlled by the Bolsheviks Communist Party from Moscow and it’s borders changed periodically throughout its existance. As the title suggests, it illustrates the territorial evolution of Ukraine and it’s borders starting from after WW1, it’s time being the Ukrainin Soviet Socialist Republic, and time after. Showing changes 1918-1954.
  • Treaty of Rapallo

    Treaty of Rapallo
    signed in April 1922 between Germany and Russia, brought an end to the territorial and financial claims from each other due to their efforts in WW1. This was chosen as it shows the meeting of the Germany representatives and those from the Russian delegation in Rapallo, Italy, signifying the first step toward peace with Germany and Russia
  • Formation of Soviet Union

    Formation of Soviet Union
    The Soviet Union, also known as the USSR, was officially formed in 1922 and was a one-party state of the Communist Party. It was led by Vladimir Lenin who assumed power in the government and consisted of 15 Soviet states. This image was chosen as it shows a map of those nations who were apart of the USSR, showing how much land the USSR had control over.
  • Lenin Dies

    Lenin Dies
    Russian leader Vladimir Lenin passed away due to a stroke. After his death, Stalin (a leader that Lenin did not want to lead) took control. This image represents Lenin as he is sick, demonstrating his last moments that contradict his strong image as a leader.