Russian timeline

  • Potspam Conference

    Potspam Conference
    Final wartime meeting dealing with the future of Jermaney and the Soviet Union and the war aganst Japain
    Churchhill was replaced with clement attlee and France wasn't represented
    U.S issued a serender ultiman to Japain on July 26th, Japain would be alloud access to raw materials if they serender
  • Beginning of Cold War

    Beginning of Cold War
    Winston Churchill Speech
    Iron curtain decended across europe
    Germany divided into 4 parts (owned by allies)
    Germany layed in the soviet
    Civil War fought in greece
    Marshall plan, 13 billion, rebuild western europe
  • Period: to

    Berlin/ Blockadde Airlift

    At the end of WW2 a four power military commission called the komandatura had been set up to adminiser Berlin
    blockade began on June 24th when Joseph Stalin restricted access to enough supplies for 36 days
    Curtis E Lee led the airlift operation
    Allies Formed a counter blockade which liifted Stalin's blockade on May 122th 1949
  • Sputnik 1

    First artificial earth sateilite
    U.s belived russia could spy on them
    Fear of esponage and bombing
    Sputnik increased tension
    New beginning
    22.8 inches, weighed 184.9lb
  • U-2 Incident

    a U.S. U-2 spy plane was shot down by the Soviet airspace
    Aircraft was flown by CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) pilot Francis Gray Powers and he was performing aerial reconnaissance when his plane was hit
    Crashed in Sverdlovsk and Francis was captured
    The incident was a great embrassment to the U.S.
  • Berlin War

    Berlin War
    A physical barrier seperating West Berlin from East Berlin/ the rest of East Germany (13 feet)
    People trying to escape were "traitors"
    More than 23,400 East Germans tried to flee to the west side but hunderds died doing so
  • Cuban Missle Crisis

    Cuban Missle Crisis
    Soviet plan to install nuclear missles on the islands nation of Cuba.
    U.S. forces transported about 1500 cuban dissidents to the island
    Soviet Union began the transport of nuclear ballistic missiles in October 1962
  • Period: to

    Vietnam War

    Caused massive disruption in Southeast Asia/ U.S.
    Ended in complete commmunist take over of Vietnam
    Jan. 27th 1963 the Paris Peace accord was signed,which officaly ended the U.S. involvement in the war
    Also known as the second Indochina War
    North Vietnam (supported by Soviet Union/ China)
    South Vietnam (supported by Phillippines/ U.S)
  • Glasnot / Perestroika

    Soviet union, falling apart economically
    Policies perestroika and glasnot to reconstruct and political and economic system
    Glasnot mears openness and for the social and political returns for the people
    Policies in affect from 1985 till 1991
    Boris Yeltsin elected president formed common wealth of independent states
    Social freedoms premitted
    These policies helped cause the fall of the soviet union and end the cold war
  • Fall Communism/ Soviet Union

    Fall Communism/ Soviet Union
    There were 11 republics the bacame independent at that time
    The Russian Red Army defeted the counterrevolutionary force in the cluding many non- Russian ethnic nationalities
    The cost of the Cold War combined with non- Russian ethnic centrugal forces inherent within the Soviet Union eventually brought about its downfall