Russian Timeline

  • Period: Jan 1, 862 to Dec 31, 879

    The princing of Rurik

    Prince Rurik was the first true leader of Russia,
    The Rurik dynasty would rule Russia for 700 years
    Russia got its first capital (Kiev) and the people of what is now Russia got their name, the rus
  • Period: Jun 11, 980 to 1054

    Time of Vladimir the great

    Vladimir brought christianity to Russia and Ukraine
    Vladimirs successor Yaroslav gave Russia its codified laws for the time
    Yaroslav's reign was a Russian golden age
  • Period: 1237 to 1240

    Attack of the Mongols

    All cities that resisted them were burnt and slaughterd
    Only Nogovrod surrendered and was allowed to stand
    The now leader of Russia Alexander held off and defeats the teutonic knights
  • Period: 1240 to 1502

    Reign of the golden horde

    Russia was subjected by the mongols and were required to pay tribute
    The great principality of moscow was formed by Daniel navsky
    Grand luchy of lithuania was formed
  • Period: 1327 to 1502

    The Rus rebel

    Both the grand luchy and principality fight the mongols and win key fights
    Due to infighting the golden horde falls apart in splitter factions
    Moscow is marked as the 3 home for the orthadox christian faith
  • Period: 1330 to 1360

    A time of troubles

    A third of russia died (war plague and famine were rampant)
    Novgorod and moscow were occupied by forieng armies
    Prince Kozarky and Kuzma minin along with the russian milita liberated moscow
  • Period: 1454 to 1466

    13 years war

    Conflict was between russia and the poland lithuania commonwealth
    The russians won and took control of eastern ukraine
    There was a revolt against the tsarist government led by stenka razin
  • Period: to

    The Romanovs

    Mikhail ramanov is made the new leader of russia
    Romanov dynasty would last 300 years
    Laws were put into place that made 80% of the populace basically slaves
  • Period: to

    Peter the Great

    Wanted to modernize russia as soon as possible (made the wealthy act like european and those who didnt wanna shave pay a beard tax)
    Made the first russian navy and reformed the armies and industry
    Started construction of st.peters burg (also great norther war started)
  • Period: to

    Great Turkish war

    Peace was made with the lithuanians
    Russia joined the “holy league” to fight the ottomans
    Peace was established with the chinese as well
  • Period: to

    Cathrine the Great

    Intellectual studies were greatly expanded along with many ideas of reason and tolerance
    Encouraged Europeans to move to russia to share their expertise
    She also led the russo turkish war getting more land for russia to rule
  • Period: to

    Cathrine the Great part 2

    Poland and lithuania were carved up after breaking
    The jews in poland were forced to live in an area call the “pale of settlement”
    Crimea was also forcibly annexed into russia
  • Period: to

    After catherine the Great

    Her son (now leader of russia) Joined the europeans in the fight against revolutionary france
    Pauls son likewise to his grandmother wanted a modern russian state, but was heavily against any sort of liberalism
    War with france would cement Alexander's reign
  • Period: to

    The napoleonic wars

    Peace was temporarly made after a batch of skirmishes between russia and her allies and france
    Russia would take over finland and leave it an autonomous grand duchy
    In 1812 the French attacked russia and the bloody battle of borodino
  • Period: to

    The Wars continued

    Borodino would be a french victory but when Alexander refused to deal the french were forced to retreat back to their territory during the russian winter, the army would be almost completely devastated
    All europlean nations attacked france and this led to the abdication of napoleon and the capture of paris
    The holy alliance was formed between russia austria and prussia to prevent any more revolutions
  • Period: to

    Aftermath of the wars

    Russia was Standing as a world power and a force to be reckoned with
    Many intellectuals and army officials created secret societies in order to overthrow the government
    The decemberists revolt attacked after there was confusion who should take over after alexander, they failed and ringleaders were hung
  • Period: to

    Aftermath of the wars continued

    The government made it clear they rejected modern europeans liberalism
    War with persia led to the claiming of even more land for russia
    The russians supported the greeks in their war of independence which cause the ottoman empire to go to war with russia
  • Period: to

    1830s to 40s

    A revolt in poland consisting of many army officals was put down by loyalist forces
    Russias most famous poet was shot in a dual and died 2 days later
    There was a hugarian revolt which russia put troops to put down
  • Period: to

    The 1850s

    Russias first actual railway is built
    A well known russian intellectual alexander herzin emigrated to europe and called for his nations reformal
    Ottoman empire declared war on prussia, britan and france concerned how powerful russia was getting declared war on it, russia was humilated and had to sign for peace and pull all forces outta the black sea
  • Period: to

    Alexander the II

    Abolished serfdom (many serfs were still in poverty and despair
    He also made provincial assemblies which would be in charge of all the local affairs
    Poles and ithuanians revolted again only to be crushed once more
  • Period: to

    Alexander the III

    Ordered the russian secret police to infiltrate the many revolutionary factions in russia
    Many jews were exhiled from the country
    Concerned with the growing strength of germany an alliance was struck between russia and france that should one be attacked the other will come to aid
  • Period: to


    Economic reforms encourage forienge investments and bring the country closer to true modernisation
    Trans siberian railroad constructed
    Helped crush the boxer rebellion in china
  • Period: to

    The Russo japanese war

    Russian navy absolutely destroyed at the battle of tsumia
    Russia was simply humiliated by the loss against the japanese
    The loss had also spiked internal issues leading to a strike of steel mill workers in st petersburg
  • Period: to

    1905 revolution

    Protesters went to the snow palace and were fired upon killing almost 100
    Unrest spread throughout the country do to “bloody sunday” as it has since been named
    A ship named the potemkin mutinied and killed the officers on board
  • Period: to

    October manifesto

    Government assemblies were made which the Tsar would rule along side
    The Tsar could veto any legislation they try to pass
    Many would be revolutionaries were executed
    Im gonna add WW1 here as it is a big factor in what drove the russians to revolt agisnth the Tsar and really cemented what it became
  • Period: to


    Food shortages were rampant
    People lost faith and were sick of the Tsar
    Country forced into chaos in many regions
  • Period: to

    Abdication of Tsar

    The Tsar was told the only way russia wouldn't fall was if he gave his throne to another or gave it up entirely
    The provisional government that followed the Tsar's abdication had no real power and no way to enforce the laws they wanted to impose and could do nothing to stop the economic landslide
    Petrograd soviet (the now governing force of petrograd) had virtually equal power and were forced to work together
  • Period: to

    The Bolsheivks

    Led by Vladimir lenin, this small faction really gained traction after the petrograd soviet wanted to finish the war and honor the commitment they made to the allies
    Lenin demanded the redistribution of the lands, along with various other demands he and his party made
    He wanted the local governments the “soviets” to have the power as opposed to the petrograd soviet which wanted war, and the incapable provisional government
  • Period: to

    The June offensive and july days

    Army morale was absolutely destroyed in particular after the june offensive in which 400000 russians lost their lives, the army was in a stage where desertion was common and mutinies were even more common
    Trotsky was arrested, lenin and stalin fled to finland to escape arrest and possible execution
    Kernesky comes to power, as “the man who'd save russia” big dreams
  • Period: to

    The Revolution continues

    Kornilov leads a military coup to petrograd to ‘restore order’
    Trotsky was released from prison and sent many armed men of bolsheviks and red guard to defend petrograd from the coup
    Kornilovs forces either switched sides, or jsut went home, they were tired either way