Russian social studes

By hackwil
  • Decembrist Revolt

    Decembrist Revolt
    This was a uncuccessful uprising that prevented an insparation for future leaders and made the czar more full of themself.
  • Nicholas II becomes the Czar of Russia

    Nicholas II becomes the Czar of Russia
    Nicholas beoomes the Czar of russia and this is the start of when russia started to hate him.
  • Russia battles with Japan

    Russia battles with Japan
    They lose and everyone blamed this loss on the Czar and Nicholas II was blamed for crashing the economy and crippled Russia
  • Bloody sunday

    Bloody sunday
    This was one of the famous massacures in Russian history when a patition was brought upon the palace and petitioners where shot.
  • The Treaty of brest-Litovisk

    The Treaty of brest-Litovisk
    This brought peace and ended participation in WWI. Russia ended up in massive struggles
  • The march revolution

    The march revolution
    Duma starts to take control of Russia
  • The Emacipation of russisan serf

    The Emacipation of russisan serf
    This was 17 legislative acts in attempt to free slarfs. But it backfired and the serfs maintained their terrible lives.
  • Russia cilver war begins

    Russia cilver war begins
    This was a multi War party that took place in the former russian empire.
  • Creation of the USSR

    Creation of the USSR
    This is the treaty Brest-litovisk that made the war end in peace.
  • Vladimir Lenin's Death

    Vladimir Lenin's Death
    Bolsheviks tried to end the autocracy after the death of Nicholas and then they tried to make Lenin lead it