Russian Revoulution

  • February Revolution: March 8-12, 1917

    February Revolution: March 8-12, 1917
    The February Revolution was a popular uprising in Russia that toppled the Tsarist regime. The revolution began with a series of strikes and protests by women workers, and it quickly spread to other groups, including soldiers and peasants. The Tsar was forced to abdicate in March 1917, and a provisional government was established.
  • Kornilov Affair: August 25-30, 1917

    Kornilov Affair: August 25-30, 1917
    In August 1917, General Lavr Kornilov, the commander of the Russian army, attempted to overthrow the provisional government. Kornilov's coup was unsuccessful, but it led to the growing polarization of Russian society.
  • Russian Civil War: November 1917 - October 1922

    Russian Civil War: November 1917 - October 1922
    The Russian Civil War was a war between the Bolsheviks and their opponents, who included the White Army, the Mensheviks, and the Socialist Revolutionaries. The war ended in 1922 with the victory of the Bolsheviks.
  • October Revolution: November 7-8, 1917

    October Revolution: November 7-8, 1917
    The October Revolution was a Bolshevik-led coup that overthrew the provisional government and established a socialist state. The revolution was led by Vladimir Lenin and Leon Trotsky. The Bolsheviks promised to end the war, redistribute land to the peasants, and give workers control of the factories.
  • Treaty of Brest-Litovsk: March 3, 1918

    Treaty of Brest-Litovsk: March 3, 1918
    The Treaty of Brest-Litovsk was a peace treaty between Russia and Germany that ended Russia's participation in World War I. The treaty was signed in March 1918, and it ceded a large amount of Russian territory to Germany.
  • Red Terror September 5, 1918

    Red Terror September 5, 1918
    The Red Terror was a campaign of repression by the Bolsheviks against their opponents. The Red Terror began in 1918 and lasted for several years. During the Red Terror, hundreds of thousands of people were executed or imprisoned.
  • New Economic Policy March 1921 - December 1928

    New Economic Policy March 1921 - December 1928
    The New Economic Policy (NEP) was a series of economic reforms introduced by Lenin in 1921. The NEP allowed for some private ownership of businesses and trade. The NEP was successful in reviving the Russian economy, but it also led to the growth of social inequality.
  • Death of Lenin: January 21, 1924

    Death of Lenin: January 21, 1924
    Lenin died in 1924, and a power struggle ensued between his two main rivals: Joseph Stalin and Leon Trotsky. Stalin eventually emerged victorious, and he became the dictator of the Soviet Union.
  • First Five-Year Plan: October 1928 - December 1932

    First Five-Year Plan: October 1928 - December 1932
    The First Five-Year Plan was a series of economic reforms introduced by Stalin in 1928. The plan aimed to rapidly industrialize the Soviet Union and to make it a military superpower. The First Five-Year Plan was successful in some respects, but it also led to widespread hardship and famine.
  • Great Purge: July 1936 - November 1938

    Great Purge: July 1936 - November 1938
    The Great Purge was a campaign of repression by Stalin against his perceived enemies. The Great Purge began in 1936 and lasted for several years. During the Great Purge, millions of people were executed or imprisoned.