Russian Revoultions

  • Russian Industrialization

    Russian Industrialization
    In 1883 the Russian minister Nicholas started to industrialize Russia so it could compete with other world powers. This however caused a lot of unrest in the lower classes through child labor, poor living conditions and low wages. This was what sparked the idea of revolution in Russian society.
  • Czar Resits Change in Society

    Czar Resits Change in Society
    The Russian czar Alexander III stayed with the old principles of absolute power in the ruler and took great measures to do so. He oppressed minorities, sent political prisoners to Siberia, secret police watch schools etc. This angered the lower class who wanted change in Russian society to improve their condition.
  • Russo Japanese War

    Russo Japanese War
    Russia and japan signed treaties over the lands of Korea and Manchuria however Russia broke them. Word got back home of multiple Russian loses and unrest grew. This showed the revolutionaries how weak the Czar regime was.
  • Bloody Sunday

    Bloody Sunday
    Over 200,000 workers marched on the Czars place demanding better pay and working conditions. However the Czars Generals order their men to fire on the crowd, they kiledl several hundred. This provoked the revolutionaries and only added fuel to the fire
  • World War 1

    World War 1
    Entering World War I showed how weak the Russian military was and the weakness of its leadership. With rapidly losing the war things on the home front got worse by the day. With rising prices and worsening conditions people were desperate for change.
  • March Revoultion

    March Revoultion
    In 1917 over 200,000 women textile worked marched on the Czars palace. The guards sided with them and in little more than a year Nicholas II family was executed. This brought an end to the Czarist rule of Russia and proved change could be won.
  • Bolshevik Revolution

    Bolshevik Revolution
    Armed factory workers stormed the royal practice and installed a new regime. Lenin took charge and pulled Russia out of the war. This toppled the old regime and started to shape Russia into what it is today.
  • Lenin Returns

    Lenin Returns
    Lenin returned to Russia to help start a revolution and get Russia out of the war. He seceded and toppled the old regime. Lenin is what started the Communist movement in Russia and shape Russia's future as a world power.
  • New Economic Policy

    New Economic Policy
    Lenin installed a very toned down version of capitalism he called NEP. Peasants sold their extra crops but the government controlled major industries. This is what helped repair the lost trust in the Russian government and helped Russia get back on its feet economically.
  • Stalin Becomes Dictator

    Stalin Becomes Dictator
    Stalin worked his way to become leader of the Communist Party. He took power and become a absolute dictator. This broke the loop ending true communism while Stalin held all power and riches with his followers.