Revolution of 1905 and the October Manifest
Although it is just a depiction and is vulnerable to creative liberties, I chose this painting because it depicts the large scale of the revolution. -
Beginning of World War One
I chose this painting of the assassination of Arch-Duke Franz Ferdinand because although it didn't happen on the date of the beginning of the war and wasn't the sole reason for the war, it is what sparked the start after the build-up of tension throughout Europe. -
Czar Nicholas II take sole control of military operations
I chose this photo because it shows Czar Nicholas II actually participating in military activity rather than a photo of him planning military actions. -
Brusilov Offensive
I chose this image to help visualize the scale of this battle, and the areas it affected. -
Brusilov Offensive
Russia’s largest and most successful advance on the Central Powers, led by General Aleksi Brusilov on June 4th, 1916. This attack, which took place on the Eastern Front, was the deadliest of the Great War. -
Assassination of Rasputin
I chose this photo of an old newspaper accusing Rasputin of having control of the Tsar because this is the popular belief that led to his assassination. -
International Women’s Day March in Petrograd
I chose this image not only because it demonstrates the large amounts of protesters, but also because you can see the protesters (kids included) smiling at the hope for a better future before it eventually turned into another revolution. -
Provisional Government Formed
I chose this image of the flag because that is the flag of Russia's Provisional government, a democratic system not under the rule of a Czar. -
Nicholas II Abdicates
I chose this photo because it shows Nicholas II after signing the papers that confirm his abdication of power and his defeated look. -
Return of Lenin from Exile
I chose this photo of Lenin getting off a train at Petrograd to show the popularity of Lenin even after exile. -
April Theses Published
I chose this photo because it shows the book cover to Lenin's book. -
First All-Russian Congress of Soviets meets
I chose this photo because It not only shows the number of delegates (and different views) at the congress, but also signs of democracy as there are leaders leading everyone -
July Days
A period of civil unrest in Petrograd, beginning on July 3rd, 1917, when Russian workers began taking up arms against the Provisional Government. -
July Days
This image was chosen to show the viewer a primary/first-hand view of what happened. The goal is to give a more clear idea of what the event was like. -
Kornilov Affair
I feel that this image best represents this event as shows how the common masses were involved during these times. -
Kornilov Affair
An attempt from the Russian military to take down the Provisional Government for themselves on September 10, 1917. -
Trotsky organizes Red Guard to defend Petrograd
This image was chosen due to its origin, Russia. This allows it to show what happened from the Russian perspective. -
Bolsheviks overthrow the Provisional Government and take control
This image was chosen to put emphasis on the organization of this event. Lenin takes charge to lead the common people to overthrow the government. -
Trotsky organizes the Red Guard to defend Petrograd
Trotsky’s contribution to the efforts of the October/November Revolution on November 7th, 1917, in which he led the Petrograd Soviet in fighting against the Provisional Government. -
Bolsheviks overthrow the Provisional Government and take control
November 8th, 1917. (This one is pretty self-explanatory, given that what the Bolsheviks did was stage a coup against the Provisional Government and proceeded to succesfully take over Russia). -
Cheka Formed
This image was chosen to draw attention to the fact that this event was the start of years of the Red Terror. -
Cheka formed
Establishment of the Secret Police on December 20th, 1917, by Lenin. -
Wartime Communism created
Lenin’s first official economic mandate at the start of the Russian Civil War in June 1918. The policy nationalized all of Russia’s industries to create a more, but not completely, communistic system in order to boost the Reds’ economy during this time. -
Constituent Assembly meets and is disbanded
This image best represents this event as it focuses on Vladimir Lenin, who was the leader of this decision. -
Constituent Assembly meets and is disbanded
An assembly was held on January 18th, 1918, following the October Revolution, in order to establish the Soviets as the ruling government over Russia. -
Treaty of Brest-Litovsk
This image was chosen as I feel it best sums up the most significant parts of this treaty. -
Treaty of Brest-Litovsk
Ceasefire agreement between the then socialist Russia and the Central Powers removing Russia from the Great War on March 3rd, 1918. Russia had lost a lot of land and industrial sites from this, but Lenin deemed this sacrifice worth it in order to achieve peace. -
Wartime Communism created
This image was chosen as I feel it clearly shows the affect of war communism on peasants and soldiers. -
Red Terror
This image was chosen as it does a good job in showing the "terror" the citizens experienced caused by the red terror. -
Lenin dies
After Lenin’s death (presumably caused by a stroke) on January 21st, 1924, a political fight between Stalin and Trotsky, Stalin takes Lenin’s place as dictator of the USSR, and eventually exiles Trotsky.