Russian Revolution Timeline - Tori Pollock

  • The Russisn and Japanese War

    The Russisn and Japanese War
    Russia and Japan were competing to control Korea and Manchuria. Finally the two countries made many agreements over the two territories but then Russia broke the promise with Japan. Then the Japanese planned and attack on February of 1904. Due to the Russians not wining it spark an uprising and revolt of the people.
  • Bloody Sunday

    Bloody Sunday
    People began to protest against the poor working condition and the cruel way workers were treated. Around 200,000 people went to the Czar's Winter Palace in protest. Due to the people protesting the Czar had his guards open fire on the people more then 1,000 people were wounded and several hundred were killed.
  • World War 1 :The Final Blow

    World War 1 :The Final Blow
    The czar made the decision to drag Russians into the civil war even though they were not prepare and couldn't handle military or economic costs. The Russians were getting defeated left and right and many lives were lost in World War 1. The soldiers began to starve and desert and ignore orders due to the lack of wining in this war.
  • The Czar Steps Down

    The Czar Steps Down
    People began to revolt and protest and because of this the Czar was forced to give up his throne. Alexander Kerensky stepped up to help rule Russia but by keeping soldiers in World War 1 he wasn't favored by the Russian people. Because of these events the soviets were created which had more input the local government in most cases.
  • The Provisional Goverment Topples

    The Provisional Goverment Topples
    Without warning peasants flooded the Winter Palace and quickly took over the government. They attacked the guard and they called themselves the Bolshevik Red Guards.
  • Bolsheviks in Power

    Bolsheviks in Power
    The Bolsheviks took over and land was ordered to be given back to the peasants. They helped control factories and its workers and also started to create peace talks with Germany. Russia and Germany signed a peace treaty and Russia gave up a very large portion of their territory to Germany in hopes that they would become allies.
  • Civil War Rages in Russia

    Civil War Rages in Russia
    The Bolsheviks now faced a new challenge which was dealing with two very difficult which was the democratic government and the socialist government. But even some of the socialist disagreed with the way Lenin ran the socialist government. There were white armies the began to fight the Bolsheviks Red army. Other countries such as the US funded the White army but they were very little help.
  • New Economic Policy

    New Economic Policy
    Lenin decided to shift his attention to a different matter and resort to a small scale of Capitalism which he called the New Economic Policy. This aloud peasants to sell their crops on their own instead of turning them into the Government. Even though this policy was created the government still ruled factories and businesses.