Period: to
Russo-Japanese War
Bloody Sunday
Peaceful workers were outside Nicholas II's palace asking for better working conditions. The worker ended up get shot at and destroyed thier respect for the Tsar. -
Period: to
Revolution of 1905
begining of Russo-Japanese war
This war showed that the Russian government and army was very weak. -
Creation of the Duma
The Duma is a national legislature for basic civil liberties that was controlled by NicholasII and was soon terminated. -
Russia enters WWI
Russia joined WW1 since Germsny declared war on them. This also gave them a chance thier army maybe improved a little. -
March Revolution begins
Nicholas II abdicates the throne
This is significant since the provisional government took over. This was a little more liked by the peasants since it was a constitutional government -
Lenin returns from exile in Germany
Period: to
Kerensky heads the provisional government
Lenin takes power
The peasants were pleased since Lenin promised them Peace, land and bread -
Civil War begins
Russia pulls out of WWI (Brest-Litovsk)
This treaty ended the war with Germany -
Assassination of Romanov family
This event ends the reign of the tsar. -
Trotsky wins Civil War
Stalin comes to power
After Lenin died Stalin helped uphold the Communist party -
Russia becomes a Totalitarian state
stalin now had some control over all aspects of people's life -
Period: to
Great Purge