Russian revolution

Russian Revolution Timeline Activity

  • Decembrist Revolt

    Decembrist Revolt
    Nobles were holding an uprising. This uprising was a protest to have Nicholas I take the throne over his brother, Constantine. This plan had failed because of bad organization and small amount of support. This is important to the event because it shows the loyalty of the people to the czar in disappearing.
  • Nicholas II becomes czar of Russia

    Nicholas II becomes czar of Russia
    He inherited throne when father past of kidney disease, age of 49, 1994. He became the new czar and later in learns that he is the last czar. This is important because he was not ready to be a czar. He even confessed to a close friend that he was not prepared and never wanted to become a czar.
  • The Russo-Japanese War

    The Russo-Japanese War
    This war was a war fought for control of Manchuria and Korea. Russia had many troops go to war, they also had a large amount of land and resources. Even with all that they still lost and Japan won. This is important because You can tell that russia has a poor military organization, and their declining powers. Which also lead to more. There started to be distrust towards Nicholas II leading to more freedom demands in the Revolution of 1905.
  • Bloody Sunday

    Bloody Sunday
    This is the day that a group of protesters Went to the Winter Palace. They did this so that they could present to the czar themselves their requests and demands. When the people were there and marching in, the ones on Nicholas’s side started shooting. They were shot and most were killed. This is important because this is when the name “Bloody Nicholas” became Nicholas’s nickname. This also lead to more trouble like uprisings.
  • World War I (russian involvement)

    World War I (russian involvement)
    Germany was considered to Russian government, they were the main threat to the territory. With this Germany formed a Triple Alliance. This Triple Alliance includes Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy. Russia joined Britain and France, there group is called the Triple Entente. This is important because the Russian army was big but they are poor so they needed the help.
  • The March Revolution

    The March Revolution
    Russia was very angry. This was because Russia lost millions of lives in WWI. The winter before was very cold and fuel in very short supply. This lead to trouble for the environment. Many riot broke out and got worse over time. This is important because they can’t control the people and riots. The czar is coming to an end. It was mentioned that there had been a czar since 1480 and now in March of 1917 the czars came to an end.
  • The Russian Civil War Begins

    The Russian Civil War Begins
    There is a disagreement over the treaty of Brest-Litovsk. This leads the Mensheviks and Bolsheviks to split. Secret police called cheka wanted to get rid of the country of non-Bolsheviks, so they led a campaign. After all this in 1919 full civil war breaks. This is important because it lead to many more deaths in Russia. Bolsheviks win and expanded Russia's territory. They took over land from Ukraine, Georgia, Azerbaijan, and Armenia.This also puts Lenin in charge of groups.
  • The creation of the USSR

    The creation of the USSR
    This comprise a confederation of Russia and other sections. This name could also be known as Soviet Union. The Bolshevik Party were called for establishment of socialist state in former Russian Empire.There were also many other parties that got a section and their sections were used with what they put. This is important because it grew into one of the world’s most influential and powerful states. Over time it encompassed 15 republics. But in 1991 Soviet Union was dissolved and followed after was
  • Vladimir Lenin’s death

    Vladimir Lenin’s death
    He dies of a brain hemorrhage. This is at the age of 54. In the 1923s, his health was dealt another severe blow, he suffered an additional stroke. This stroke took his ability to speak and concluding his work. Then within a year he passed. This is important because he made was important to the Bolsheviks after civil war. He was part of the leaders.
  • Czar Nicholas II abdicates the throne

    Czar Nicholas II abdicates the throne
    There is an uprising in Petrograd. This leads the army to go and join with the striking workers. The czar, Nicholas II is at this time that he is forced to give up the throne. After that he was arrested by the Bolsheviks who are controlled soviets. This is important because that Nicholas II was last czar of Russia. This is all so when Nicholas II and his family, were taken to Yekaterinburg to be killed.